What is the appropriate punishment for pedophilia?

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None. If it's consensual then there's no problem. Females become fertile around age 12.

Hanging from the neck until they are dead.




Real criminal pedophilia, as in, the active kidnapping/trafficking/rape of children under 13, should be treated with a lifelong stay in the worst shitty sodomite prison.
If you've seen the end of Dragged Across Concrete, you know what I'm talking about

death by boats

2 stinging slaps boi

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Anything less than a shotgun blast to the head is undesirable.
now fuck off 1post id jew

burn them at the stake or quarter them with some horses, trucks, or tractors.

Death by anti-aircraft weapons.

Publicly shot In the back of the neck and send then left to rot in the street

or do that cannon thing you mad lads used to do in the ME and India.


Make a sauce out of them and serve it up at a fundraiser for child abuse victims.

I think theyve had enough pedo sauce partner.




I like this one

Waiting longer is one of the cornerstones in an enlightened civilisation.

But you dont care about that stuff right?
Lets just become animals again.

Ask Trump and his Jewish friends Epstein and Kraft

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Death by lethal injection.

Send them to Africa and get them bleaching the locals

>Waiting longer is one of the cornerstones in an enlightened civilisation.
explain, sounds like a jewish trick to me

Firing squad executed by the victims family, if not available, death at the crucifix

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When I was 18, I fucked a 16 yr old.
Does that make me a pedophile?

Why would he know about the sex lives of others?

Forced incest.

There are certainly cultural differences on views of pedophilia. But if you are a pedophile and get thrown in prison, you have a target on your back. So it does say something when even your average low IQ hardened criminals see pedophiles as the scum of the Earth.

If your Canadian and friends with Trudeau you can get the order of Canada

anyone else see him on that ep of ancient aliens?

Depends if the girls parents didnt like you and a bad influence on her

Didnt the resolutions passed by congress about these antisemitic tropes mean anything to you?

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Look up the "juvenile window" as it relates to brain development.


death by snu snu

Usually a pay raise and a bump in job position.


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solitary confinement in a room with only a bible
and some rudimentary diet of only potatoes
a rope can be left in room and if they wanna hang themselves they can

yes, because kids have totally developed brain capacity to know about the consequences of their actions and decisions. sure.

let the family decide

Sexual abuse of actual prepubescent children should be punished by whatever means of execution are usual and customary - I'm partial to gibbeting myself. Failure to arrange a husband for a daughter by her sixteenth birthday should be considered child neglect, a lesser offense punishable only by state repossession of the cunt in question.

The Bible is not against kiddie diddling.

Ask Trump. Oh wait, he's letting Podesta get away with it.

anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives

anyone who has art of paintings, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has pieces of plastic or rubber or latex, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has masturbation paraphernalia or toys, must hang, they are unnatural, and degenerate

According to LGBT community, none. It is a sexual orientation.

I am not being sarcastic, they really do defend this.

Give your daughter a gun before it's too late. Only you can protect your family from the incoming harsh times.

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Hung by the neck until dead

for pedophilia no punishment, for molesting children the punishment should be torture


They should be rewarded and cared for. Why discriminate them at tthis point?

The western society no longer punishes, it rewards criminals.

And for the child? Leave that to the education system, we will start enforcing education onto children, letting them know it's okay if a stranger rapes you.

Obvious photoshoop. Trump is racist, literally Hitler and would never be seen with that fat chink much less a bunch of sleazy heebz.

Pedos will be normalized in the 2025 so why are you bothering



the jews are pushing away from punishment. most of the leaders are pedos and they don't want to get caught with those charges and face discrimination. better legalize it.

also by the year 2035 my president will then make a public apology to all the pedos who got doxxed, lost their jobs, and killed for their ideology.



discord / bwpMQZB

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If you physically harm a child like that, you can go to prison and nobody will know what happened to you.

death by cock

That's not pedophilia , that's only for prepubescents

congressional medal of honor

we are animals, we have always been and always will be animals. why wait to die without fucking? girls can take dick as long as they started menstruating. Why deny a girl of sex because of some retarded rule made by jewish cave men?
In my eyes it's abuse to not use our resources when they are ripe.

If you screw someone 15 years or younger, castration is in order. Execution and prison times are welcome as well. Pedophilia is scum and deserves the full book tossed at them.

Bullet to the back of the head.

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Sell them to psychotic murderers who want to hurt and torture and kill people.
Raise revenue for the state and get rid of the murderers urges through a legal avenue.
Two birds, one stone.
It also serves as a great deterrent. Can you imagine being chained up and you know that you aren't going to be rescued because this is all legal and above board, and then some fucking mouth-breathing psycho comes in with a gigantic erection and a pair of pliers.
Fuck. That.

to be thrown into a jail with a hungry lion

A nuke on the middle east.

He should be married to the loli.

if she is old enough to use a gun responsibly, she is old enough to fuck who she wants

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Go biblical or go home

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Actual under-puberty pedophilia? Penalty should be death.
Post puberty but under modern age of consent laws? Penalty should be shotgun marriage.
>inb4 you're a pedo for finding 16 year old girls attractive!
Nope. Developed female 16 is the opposite of a child.
Notice how the very same people pushing us to delay marriage (women should get a degree, start a career, travel, find themselves, then they can settle down) are no pushing to normalize pedophilia (10 year age difference okay in California, more coming soon)? There's a tradeoff betwee. The common theme is an attack on the nuclear family and females' ability to pairbond. Age of consent laws don't actually prevent teenage girls from having sex, they just prevent teenage girls from having sex with law-abiding, well socialized and gainfully employed/on track for employment men.

Ya think yer hawt shit dontcha

how do i delete someone elses post

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Dismembered and set on fire

>let the family decide

Complete castration. If it is a woman, then a hysterectomy and a mark on the face. If you diddle children, then you are not allowed to reproduce.

Trust the plan.
Sessions is activated
6 gorrillian indictments are being unsealed as we watch the show

>Age of consent laws don't actually prevent teenage girls from having sex, they just prevent teenage girls from having sex with law-abiding, well socialized and gainfully employed/on track for employment men.

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You know that scene in Matilda where they punish the fat kid for eating cake by force feeding him cake until he can't stand it anymore?

Same thing, we throw so much underage pussy at them that they'll never want to see another grassless field as long as they live.

Emprisonment for life.

Death penalty for ages 11 and below, everything else much lighter. Grrls mature very fast nowadays. One could fuck a 14yo and not even know it.



fuck off lolicon

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I believe the right punishment should be death

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you know while i am criticizing you guys I am a 18 year old virgin that looks like a 14 year old boy, and I want to get laid but no girl has interest in me because despite being a good loking man i look like a minor.

Rape by a horse or something even bigger.

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its america so you either end up with a well paid job in hollywood or the white house

>not hitting the gym while you have 0 responsibilities and shitload of free time

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I am in college and have a job

Your choice of lolis.

Life sentence with other inmates.

even better, you'll have plenty of opportunities with girls. you just have to overcome the familiar obstacle of not being a shaking retard when talking to a girl, they love confident men that define how things are gonna be.

Plox let us have lolis. We can send more money if that's the issue.

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>Posting this BS again
Every prefecture has age of consent laws higher than the federal standard.

hang by the balls and another safety rope for the neck that strangles him after his balls fell off


you are right, you know i never thot i would get good advice from anyone in Jow Forums in all honesty

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