So much less views

so much less views

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Well he should stop cucking

fuck him lol
absolute fucking retard with inflated ego
i was there when molygate happened
i saw his true face

Mike, delete this thread.

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He shouldn't have cried about Israel on camera. I used to like this show, but he's just another puppet bond to the strings of his master.

Random dumbass on Jow Forums calling someone else retarded. You might not like him, but he's far from retarded.

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delet this

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I stopped following all those guys sometime after 2017

This proves he’s nothing but a Jews muppet

ben garrison lul

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I shall donate ONE DOLLAR

>saying lul like a autistic twitch user
you have to go back

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Stefan is right here.

Well, he started to get closer to the nationalist right, watch the poland things.

Where's the one where he says CUT HIM OFF! ?

no he isn't lol
no argument he just keep saying he has the best show on youtube, 30 years of experience and is too triggered to talk with the guy asking decent questions

He'll always follow the money.

so when does he transition to boost views.

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Molymeme is a gatekeeper and there are now many more people past the gate than there used to be, so his potential regular audience has gotten smaller. He's move the gate back a few steps to recapture some of that audience but this is still the fate of gatekeepers. There were plenty of gatekeepers in Germany in the 1920s like Molymeme and Jordan Peterson, their rhetoric is very similar. But nobody remembers them.

Isn't his podcast his main source of income anyway?

Oldfag here, 4 years ago there were daily threads praising Molymeme. Then the same thing with Jordan Peterson. But now the majority of Jow Forums has turned against both of them.

does anyone have that video where hes screaming like a psycho in his basement?

Not an argument.

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I like him a lot, but I've noticed him going unnecessarily far into ranting on other videos as well. I'm listening to his stuff less and less because it's annoying.
Imagine being his wife or child lol. How could someone this smart lack self awareness like that and not even recognize it later. And if you point it out to him, it gets even worse.

His rhetoric grew old and he stopped giving new interesting takes.
Imagine being this assblasted by women 24/7 and having a wife that still gives you children despite this. Yikes.

things change retard

It's his flubbing of the JQ.
If you advertise urself as a philosopher, as someone who follows where the truth leads u no matter the slings and arrows, but just "can't be bothered" looking into the JQ, then, like JPB, you'll take a hit from an audience uv helped groom to disrespect weasel words.
His twatter feed is a lot more aware of the duplicity of jews since he got told off about it by his AMA fans, tho, so that's something...

>the majority of Jow Forums has turned against both of them
[citation needed]

I used to like Stefan, but the more I watched him the more catty and intolerable he became. He is a very sly, deceptive person. Once you pick up on those tells you see he doesn't say much, contradicts himself often, and he completely cucked on the JQ and got censorial over it... Something he claimed he'd never do, but he really isn't someone to be trusted, despite initial appearances.

Such a fucking internally raging kike lol

>He is a very sly, deceptive person.

A typical wannabe cult leader.

He's a kike

I know, he admitted it in a college talk about his mother being a Jew making him Jewish by kike traditions. I just didn't have the video on hand to support my claim.

I know the one you mean

>Inflated ego
>narcism and pride
>shames his viewers for not donating to him while he uploads videos on a free platform
>another nihilist atheist
But you can keep watching him if you want to.

When you have time, consider watching some of this:

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He's good for introductory red pills.

>getting assfucked by a faggot is a good introduction to sex

No one has 3 hours to watch one of his fucking videos.
Sandman gets in and out in under 12 minutes and he is everywhere.
Fucking leafblower.

"If you want to find out who rules over you, just look at who you can't criticize. I mean, I can criticize the jews..."

*Avoids discussing the JQ because he knows he can't criticize the jews*

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I don't know how anyone can take him seriously as an intellectual anymore after that Pittsburgh synagogue shooting video. That was a huge fucking embarrassment and I'm surprised JF was like the only one who called him out on it.

Makes you wonder how many of those types are lurking on Jow Forums. I appreciate what Stefan aim is, but I think he's making the movement mostly about himself and not the cause. In these trying times we need selfless leaders willing to make sacrifices. I know it's a lot to ask for, but sans that we have nothing but a collapse ahead of us played to the tune of totalitarianism.

>its not the jews who rule us goy, its women!

Holy SHIT, I'm a Molyneux fan but this is too much Im unsubscribing. FUCK HIM AND HIS FUCKING EGO. WHAT A KIKE

From what I see, people that watch stuff like his and come to sites like this are going red to black pilled very quickly. He offers the same red pill stuff I hear everywhere else. "Whites are dying, socialism bad," but offers no realistic solutions with how far the west has degraded. Libertarian government or ancap, is not possible without a call to arms anymore. Plus, he understands the importance of Christianity, but won't convert or even just LARP as one himself for the greater good. I give him props for arguing race IQ on twitter, but his videos don't do it for me anymore. He can call out the nigger all day, but until he calls out the Jew, he has nothing more to offer me.

True and so are people like Alex Jones, David Icke, and so on, but they do not espouse only the truth. They are gatekeepers and alongside the medicine of truth they also deliver sugar to help it go down (entertainment) and shape the information to keep the masses huddled in certain levels of "redpilled." All gatekeepers, without exception, have to be passed eventually. If one doesn't they will never know the truth, just lies with greater degrees of validity.


Funny you say that he's literally a kike

The right wing meme wave is at it's end. Literally everyone to the right of center-left is about to feel the recession.

what a conspiracy theorist nut job..blaming all his problems on the youtube..the youtube just has a higher average IQ..some of my best friends are the youtube and not all youtube are evil.

Yeah, it's totally not jew-hustled Feminism that led to any of these problems

>but won't convert
You can't "convert" no matter how much you try. You can
>LARP as one
sure, but that's it.

If you weren't raised Christian then you can't be Christian. You can't be anything.

you will see him age even faster now

He is afraid to lose the channel. Is is really that hard to see that?

There's no other choice left, he'll go full 1488 now.

What makes you think that?

What? Just say "Christ is my Lord Savior," and follow the teachings of the bible and you are Christian. Of course you can convert. There are plenty of good church people that think it is bullshit, but LARP so their wife behaves like a lady and their kids grow up without becoming degenerates. I believe it was in the Victorian times when they saw how fucked up a world without Christ was, so they started LARPing to get the masses back into church. That was why paintings of Jesus was the popular artwork.

Basically this.
4chans community has always only been anti establishment. It’s why so many people harp on Jews and liberals.
As soon as conservative mouthpieces are the mainstream media they will start censoring things and Jow Forums will do a heel flip into what it was before the Trump era.

no..he'll never admit he's wrong when it involves his core personality

Wouldn't surprise me. My point was that attacking him is probably counterproductive.

Take a look at the right wing internet sphere.
I can't make myself believe in God. Put me up against a wall and shoot me - but I still won't believe.
"Converting" is a game of pretend.

I knew this.
Only way they can win is if they can learn to lose.

Well then, say it. Say "hey guys, I'm not discussing this issue because I love the shekels and I'm not willing to give up my channel". Admit it, don't tag yourself as a man of truth and virtue and a "philosopher" if you're not gonna discuss the most important issue of our time. I'd be fine with it if he just called himself another youtuber and wasn't so pompous about his relationship with the truth.

Attacking anyone is counterproductive. "Thot gate" marked the beginning of the end.

Make a channel and talk about it yourself. Get big by doing so and then call him out on it instead of moaning "someone should do this"

Some people see the Jewish question as a conspiracy.
Some people see a lot of Jews and see no conspiracy.
Some people see a lot of Jews and see a conspiracy.

I don’t know what is so hard to understand about this.

He should stop Jewing.

You seem to think of Jow Forums as a consistent pool of people always here. It comes in waves. The current anti-Jew, gas 'em Jow Forums will move on to mainstream movements and activities to further their ideals. Jow Forums being culturally known as contrarian will then attract the cucks, commies, and jew lovers here. Those once called shills will be the natives, for a time, and when it shifts back so too will the previous groups.
Jow Forums is comprised of a very large group of people and we are all here forever, but not all during the same epochs

>If you weren't raised Christian then you can't be Christian.
This is literally against Christian dogma. You can think that you can't believe, but history is full of conversions. Some more sudden, some more gradual, doesn't matter.

This might seem like it's true only if you follow online communities, though even they have organized much more than a couple of years ago.
The rl examples of a rising nationalistic populism is massive. The whole of Europe is basically facing a political tsunami. Just look at the coming EU elections, arch-devil Soros himself wrote an article how the future of (((europe))) (EU) hangs in the balance.

And that is why the western world is falling apart, because people like you think you are the first ever to realize church is BS. Anyone with half a brain already figured it out thousands of years before you, but played along because they saw what happens if you don't. As I keep seeing more and more degeneracy on the streets and TV, it is fags like you that are too high and mighty to pretend and play along for the better good that deserve the blame for our collapse. I blame you for thinking the average idiot can be fine without religion, more then I blame the Jew for the fall of the west. You are the idiot that let the Jew convince you not to at least pretend to be Christian and openned the door for the shit world we live in today.

Yeah cool so the fact that you can't even talk about it being a conspiracy isn't a conspiracy at all. You can get arrested for it in 14 countries but that's not weird to you. Rock on dumbass

Jow Forums is a consistent group of people. There are a lot of political ideologies here.
There is a reason why everyone calls this a containment board.

We can't let him get the nuclear codes

So you want him to talk about what will get him socially cast out or arrested?
Good plan you fucking retard

I like Molymeme, he's such a comfy old man.

Nah dude conversation is big, missionaries an he shiet

the clean face of woke on kikes, good stuff

This weak gatekeeper faggot blocked David Duke on Twitter for retweeting him. Weak cuck faggot. Fuck (((Stefan)))

If you think conservatives will control the mouthpieces of media in the next 10 years I've got a bridge to sell you. Breitbart isn't going to replace Fox let alone MSNBC. The media is and will remain leftist and controlled. But you are right about one thing, this is the beginning of a lot of change and some of those changes will not be Jow Forums approved.

>Christian dogma
Sometimes I feel like I respect the faith more than it's actual believers since I don't dare pretend to believe. To me a non-believer evoking God is heretical (for the lack of a better word)
>only if you follow online communities
The online communities is all there really is/was.
>rising nationalistic populism
I don't see it. What I do see is the big establishment clamping down, and successfully so. Netherlands failed, France failed, opposition to the UN migration pact failed, yellow vests failed, our own elections failed...
>the coming EU elections
Nothing is going to change, same as the last time. People expected big changes - and nothing changed. I think it's all just a show.
>arch-devil Soros
Has grown massively here. There is a new far-left party here now, most of them have ties to NGOs.

I care not for the church.

What was molygate?

>Thin skinned pussy
Literally blocks any dissenting opinion. Money is his master and now he is fucked.

canada has some weird libel laws, but molyneux has completely mishandled the jq and his subsequent responses. his entire platform is being le truthful logical philosopher king-man yet he broke all those rules on this subject

his counters are normal, stop being a butthurt jew

he did the right thing calling the kike

He lives in Canada you fuckin dork. And he's got a million subscribers, all of whom would fund an entirely new platform for him on which to speak about it. You think he's long for YouTube anyway? They already are silencing people like him for issues a lot more minor than the JQ.

He banned so many of my accounts from his channel when I used to use youtube.

>meme flag
i would ban you too in a heartbeat. i have no doubt you made hundreds of passive aggressive smartass comments

And this is why I am blackpilled. There are too many fags like you running around these days. A couple hundred years ago we would have just burned you alive as a lesson to others and let you die for your stubbornness or thrown you off a roof like they do in Islamic countries. We can't do that anymore, so now we just watch as Western society slowly collapses.

his call-in shows are so awful, him doing his holier than thou shtick while pretending to be some kind of benevolent sage

it's literally the dr phil show but more grating

>they’re silencing people
>he needs to talk about what I want

Pick one

Of course he is getting less views. It's because he switched his format from 1-2 hour long essays about philosophy/news/history to repeated fucking livestream AMAs. On top of that his call in shows have lately been people who can barely speak english, braindead ex alcoholic women, and degenerates.
Not to mention in the last few months he has gone from doing 1-2 videos a day to 2-3 videos a week and again they are of the above quality.
So yeah I'm sure his views are down because no one gives a shit about paid questions on youtube except for people paying to ask questions and the podcast numbers are fine because listening to a podcast while working or whatever is much more passive.
TL;DR his format has changed and so has his quality.

It's because his videos got insanely boring, now he spends all his energy on whatever he was doing in Poland and on Twitter. But of course he blames it on Youtube lol. I used to watch his videos all the time but now I hardly care. Still follow him on twitter though.

i prefer this faggot

>America wants to be Islamic and Christian
What a surprise

You know, there are other places where you can go to speak on a subject. YouTube isn't the only place on earth. Hence, why I said that he's got a million subscribers who'd pay for his content you no reading-comprehension turd

People are so done with lolbertarian bullshit.

I haven't watched his shit recently because he sticks to safe topics instead of finally answering or atleast acknowledging the jewish question.

Who the fuck wants to watch a cuck stutter and weasel out of answering questions for umpteenth time while Stefan asks them a simple question?

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How many views and subs did he lose? I haven't been keeping track, but what did he do to turn people off?