What's the Jow Forums verdict on the holocaust?

What's the Jow Forums verdict on the holocaust?

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That Germany was fighting a world war on 3 fronts and did not have the physical industrial capacity to murder and then dispose of 6 to 11 million people over a 5 year period.

It definitely didn't not happen, but it shouldn't've.

It happened, but having laws that can put you in jail for denying it is ridiculous.

I'm a total brainlet at maths but ill give it a shot
1440 mins in a day
So 300 loaves per day
109500x5=547500 (not including leap years since they are negligible)
547500 if all ovens work 24/7/365
No Anne is a filthy fucking lying kike

Kurisu is my wife

If it didn’t happen, it is proof that Hitler was right and it should have.

The fact that people are fighting so hard to make sure it remains the dominant narrative and it is illegal to even ask questions, should raise suspicions.

You're a lucky man user this is my wife

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It happened and 6 million jews died. Jow Forums got already btfo

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never happened as they want us to believe

>What's the Jow Forums verdict on the holocaust?
It happened and all the numbers are accurate.

This is false. It is well documented that the Nazi party decimated between 6-11 million gypsies, Serbs, Jews and Roma peoples.

Stop spreading false lies.

if at first you don't succeed

Nibba they just turned the heat on blast nigga. They werent cooking no bread lol baka.

Nice taste lad

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if it's well documented then post the evidence cited by the documentation

Steins;Gate is such a good anime.

>false lies
>fake lies
>lies which are not actually lies
>the truth

It didnt happen

But ut should have

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>what advocates for no barriers yet has many walls?

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Do you prefer short or long hair senjougahara??

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happened. not in numbers reported. most victims were slavs. dead jews were irrelevant schlomos and no member of the international jewry was ever harmed.

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>too many coincidences
>strong logical contradictions
>the only evidence are just some jewish witnesses and soviet reports

>every "denial debunking" just assumes we should ignore all these coincidences because "they are not relevant"


It should have happened

In Auschwitz alone they were able to burn close to 5000 bodies a day

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Deniers always get BTFO on Jow Forums yet it remains a popular opinion, it's insane why i still even browse here when it's literally an echo chamber that will never change it's mind

>false lies
Wait, there's such a thing as true lies??

15 ovens my ass also some of the baking is done off site

Here are two different articles showing pre and post ww2 census statistics. These articles state that 3 million Jews were killed in Poland alone.






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Definitely happened, nazis practically admitted to it but after seeing some of the posts on this topic above it makes me think that the number was probably inflated after the war.

I mean, not believing in the holocaust is just a meme, right? R-right?

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It happened in cities that were firebombed or nuked.
US government spend half a million dollars building a fake German town to figure out how to create a firestorm in their cities.
>Dugway was a high-security testing facility for chemical and biological weapons. The purpose of the replicas of German homes, which were repeatedly rebuilt after being intentionally burned down, was to perfect tactics in the fire bombing of German residential areas during World War II.
>The U.S. Army employed German (((Jewish))) émigré architects such as Erich Mendelsohn to create copies as accurate as possible of the dwellings of densely populated poorer quarters of Berlin. The main goal was to find a tactic to achieve a fire storm in the city center. The working-class areas on which the test buildings were based, such as Wedding and Pankow, had been communist strongholds before Nazi repression suppressed dissent.
>The village was authentic down to the smallest details, including authentic German heavy furnishings, clothes hanging in closets and children's toys.
>Wood and paint, both for interior and exterior, was selected so it would be authentic both in the German and Japanese village; in the Japanese village there were chopsticks on the tables. The German village cost $575,000 to build.
>It was found that it was easier to set fire to Japanese housing, but that German houses were more likely to have uncontrollable fires.
>Interior of German village. To ensure that the fires spread as realistically as possible, typical German home-interiors were included, and the wood was periodically doused to simulate conditions in the more humid German climate.

>Goodbye to Berlin
>Erich Mendelsohn designed some of the world's finest buildings - and helped destroy the German capital. By Jonathan Glancey


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It happened. Disease, and starvation will get you a high body count, and so do gas chambers and firing squads.

none of what you said is "strictly a sacrifice destroyed by fire" which is what the word holocaust means.

In here, David Irving says he now believes that 1.5 x 2 (roughly) Jews were killed, from new documents found. Most, via gas chambers + chimneys though. They were killed on Himmler's orders, and that Hitler didn't know. That Hitler was too busy running the war, and wanted to put the question off until war's end. This little 32min video is well worth watching for anyone interested in the question.

David Irving was a primary denier - so confident was he that there was no holocaust, that he sued one Deborah Lipstadt (Jew, natch) for calling him a denier. His defense was that there was no holocaust to deny. Until new documents came out. As I mention above, it wasn't via gas chambers + chimneys, so everything based on that is still wrong. Ima leave it at this, you should watch it - it's only 32 mins.

> most via gas chambers and chimneys
*NOT via gas chambers and chimneys

>They were killed on Himmler's orders
no such orders existed

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Anyone interested in what happened to German during and after the war should watch Hellstorm:

There are various links there, to torrents, and you can straight watch it from that site or archive.org.

> no such orders existed
*were written down, maybe
Take it up with David Irving

You both have good taste. Here's my wife

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>no such orders existed

We have decoded messages that refer to the Holocaust (link related) . Not sure where you got your information from. Do you have a source that supports your claim?


nope, not one order ever existed, Raul Hillberg who was a pro-hoax historian couldn't find one out of thousands of documents, and as stated in the img I posted the ENIGMA code was cracked and no order was sent to the camps to exterminate anyone.
Img related were the population totals for Auschwitz which have been stored in the US National Archive under Top Secret clearance since 1948, copies were released when the USSR collapsed and they handed the Red Cross their copies of the same documents in 1991. The totals were published by the NYT in an article called "Holocaust - Search for the 'Vanished'" where they interviewed Ann Stingle who viewed the records

Attached: Auschwitz files - population count.png (1195x949, 84K)

your "source" has been debunked
move along

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>your "source" has been debunked
>move along
How does posting a translation of the message prove me wrong? You have read the message, right?

I translated it, of course I read it and yet there's no mention of genocide, extermination, killing or any other synonym for murder.

How many loaves can you fit in the oven? Say you can fit 10, that comes out to 150 loaves in 72 minutes. That is 1,500 loaves in 720 minutes or 12 hours. That is 3,000 loaves in a day or 5,475,000 in 5 years

>I translated it, of course I read it and yet there's no mention of genocide, extermination, killing or any other synonym for murder.
Poorly and in a very dishonest jewy, manner. The radio message says

>State secret! To the commander of the Security Police, for the attention of SS Obersturmbannfuhrer HEIM, KRAKAU. Re: 14-day report operation REINHARD

You mistranslated the word "einsatz" when it should mean "operation" and not " use". Please correct it.

What's the verdict on the Bolshevik's Slavic massacres? Of course they all occurred.

The Isai Davidovich Berg "gas van" was blamed on the Germans, of course.

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How is a telegram mentioning deportations evidence of death camps and all the other shit?

It's as fake as Betty White's Tits.

The holocaust refers to the systematic murder of Jews in Europe during WWII. I've never heard anyone seriously say all 6 million were burned.

Because it makes a reference to operation reinhard, the plan to get rid of jewry in poland, and it lists 4 of the 6 alleged death camps, Sobibor (s) treblinka (t) Belzec (b) madjanek (l)


Zyklon B was used only as a pesticide to exterminate body louses that were rampantly spreading sickness and deadly diseases such as Typhus amongst prisoners, killing them by the hundreds of thousands. The Holocaust has been grossly exaggerated by organized Jewry in order to create sympathy for Jews worldwide, and thus help advance the Jewish agenda (ie, people seen as victims tend to get their way). It is also used as a political weapon to justify Israeli militarism against the Palestinians. Hitler's Final Solution (rebranded in the early 1970's as the "Holocaust") was a plan to remove Jews from Europe, not kill them. During WWII, just as the USA couldn't trust Japanese Americans, thus causing FDR to round many of them up and place them in concentration camps, Hitler couldn't trust Jews since many were partisans sympathetic to the USSR and hence they aided the USSR in various subversive, anti-German activities.

Somewhere around 1.5 million Jews died during WWII (not 6 million), mostly due to starvation and disease in the final months of the war. Heavy Allied bombing of Germany and parts of German occupied Europe destroyed many roads, rail lines, and bridges making it impossible for Germany to adequately supply the camps with food and medicine. The result is that many Jews died of starvation and disease; and of course many non-Jews also died of starvation and disease.

Hitler simply wanted to safeguard Europe and the greater Western World from all manner of nefarious Jewish influence and, more broadly, safeguard the world-at-large specifically from, 1) usurious Jewish banking and, 2) Jewish-driven cultural degradation.
There were no "gas chambers." Much has been written about this. To study the "gas chamber" subject, read the research papers published by Germar Rudolf & Carlo Mattogno (there are many others as well).


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Still waiting for the sequel

that's fine but I was answering the OP picture

Nazi Germany was the scapegoat of WWII as Germany was the scapegoat for WWI. That being said though intentionally putting a group of people in conditions where they are likely to die is an act of genocide, disease and starvation can't just be written off. You're also ignoring the shootings, deaths of people fleeing the war, and pre-war deaths that were a direct result of isolation of Jews in Germany.

>You're also ignoring the shootings, deaths of people fleeing the war, and pre-war deaths that were a direct result of isolation of Jews in Germany.
One of the many fallacies that Holocaust deniers use to push their views. The same goes with the argument about ovens and how they can't cremate 6 million people in 5 years. Of course, everybody knows that ovens don't work that fast, but this line of reasoning is based on the assumption, like you said, that all 6 million were cremated, which is a false premise, like every argument deniers use.

Dont expect any rationality from them.

Please take the time to watch the 3rd video I linked in my post.

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Still waiting for it.

Holocaust has no real purpose besides giving the Jews a way to gain power and be exempt from mostly all criticism, if the holocaust was so important why is there no outrage over Ughyurs in Concentration Camps. Jews are disgusting and it's ubsurd that people defend them despite what they've done

>2 hour video of ersnt zundel
Ernst zundel isn't history nor a historian.
Why not watch Schindler list with directors commentary?

A historical event that I am wholly uninterested in, partly due to it;s remoteness from my life, and partly due to over-exposure.

I don't care about the holocaust, there have been bigger death-tolls, and I don't care about those either.

What I do care about is the fact that Jewish organizations in my country seem to punch much further above their weight than any minority of less than one percent should be able to.

But then, they are 20% of UK born billionaires.


It is used against western society as some sort of "casusbelli" for free masons elite.

No, the meaning requires that people be burned to death, period. I don't give a flying fuck what you were indoctrinated with

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It must be repeated

>free masons elite.
>Avoiding the word Jew this hard


"Truth Does Not Fear Investigation"

BS we know they turned jews into Kremawurst.

Free masons were the guys who were targeted and jews lack power to do things on their own

It does. People will fuck up and misinterpret evidence if it means they can mold it into their own views. Take this thread as an example.

The only people who were the WW2 Holocuast victims were Germans and Japanese who had either white phosphorus bombs or nukes dropped on their cities.
Circles will have to pay back reparations for more than seventy years for their lies

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72 minutes is 12 hours 14 bakers is an oven dozen so yes I think so yes

Never happened

By your line of reasoning every word must follow its literal definition, then by that logic a "lunatic" is someone who was hit by the moon. Obviously it doesn't mean that. It means "Canucks who deny reality and lie about it by posting disingenuous translations."


"The Truth shall make you Free.., but at first.., it'll make you Damn Mad"

>The Holocaust is used to give Freemasons eternal victimhood.

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Its always a berg

!basen't & !redpilledn't

jews need get isolated or they turn countries into weimars for money

>but at first.., it'll make you Damn Mad"
I find that sometimes to be the case. I can agree with this statement.


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You know what I mean


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They are the real guys in charge in the western world, why do you think we are in a forced circle of decadence right now without any reason ?

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In theory that should be the case however there are laws in several European Countries that make it illegal to deny the holocaust

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stop telling us about your wet dreams, nobody give a fuck

Freemasons are nowhere near at the top
The order goes: Jesuits on top, Black Nobility (who call themselves jews but are not semites) are next, Committee of 300 then Freemasons.