Why is Trump calling the bollard fence he's building a wall?

Why is Trump calling the bollard fence he's building a wall?

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Who's paying you to post this daily?

lmao nice replacement fencing kid

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good thing those bollard fences can at least keep out vehicles!

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why did he capitalize the word "Wall" mid sentence?

I remember seeing the fence in AZ being built when Obama was in office.

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its like their is a reason we requested a wall that couldn't be scaled by climbing up it with little equipment

The slats allow automated flir cameras a great view so that they can alert ICE agents where they need to go. The wall is a bottleneck creation device, ICE agents are the ones who make it work.

His German blood is firing up

lathers are for mushroom headed fags.

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>Many many more under construction
>Dont ask me where though
>Cant talk now. Entering a tunnel. Bye

lmao they fit right thru

when will you wake up -WAR WITH MEXICO

he's literally retarded


All he did was authorized the extension of Obama's fence

Lel the same obama fence. I live very close to that one.

Lol that one is stuck and recently searched, you faggot.

Last time no one even noticed my "give arab a wall, he'll make a fence" reference. Does no one like that movie? It was one of my favourites when I was a kid. That's kind of sad.

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Fence > wall
Stay mad yang gang

powerful Wall energy

You call dat a wahl?
Dis is a wahl

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the immigrants said they were part of a convoy of cars that went over the border retard.

one of banderas few good movies. that one and assassins or some shit with stalone.

america paid for that

You know, Rand Paul and Jim Webb were both candidates last go-round.
We had our chance. There's no turning back now, acceleration is the rule.

You faggots need to learn how to fight, make weapons, and kill. You will need these skills in the future.

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This orange retard keeps tweeting the same picture.

Does he think he's fooling anyone?

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When you're dead can I give your sword to me daughter?
[nordic laughing intensifies]

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i always remember the scene where he learned the language around the fire

No. Our tax payers did

[citation needed]

his base is practically cattle at this point.
>muh jobs
most if not all of those jobs went to the cities not the middle buttfuck nowhere that voted for his Zionist ass. But what does it matter this ends in civil war either way.

Walls a racist. Fences aren’t
>a goblina hauling her mutts across the desert will have a 4x4 and a giant ramp

now u finally get argie

Oh well at least Mexico is paying for it and he cracked down on H1bs

they can climb, dumbass

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You’re literally retarded. Rand Paul and Webb wouldn’t do shit about the border anymore than Trump would. And I’m a Webb fan.


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wow this thread again?
> heres a dollar goy
>1 post by this ID

You know what the only solution to this problem is, don't you?

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Well I guess we should just pick them up in buses and bring them over then.

Yeah. Your American taxpayers.

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probably trump's plan

he needs workers at maralago

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*cheap foreign workers

We live in a Republic so it will be up to the judiciary until more pro-wall congressman are elected.

Because he thinks his supporters have an 80 IQ average. Based upon /ptg/ he's right.

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nice ladders. this is the same shit that hasn't been working... i wish he would just stop lying about it. this is also not NEW it's replacing the existing fencing.

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Checkmate conservatards!! AOC 2020!!!

Unless we get rid of all gibs, the parasites will never abate. Social security, medicare, any handout that can be taken advantage of, is a threat to any country that has them.

80% of that on American products. It’s a drop in the bucket for all foreign aid.

>get rid of all gibs
That shipped has done sailed


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probably why he hasn't built it yet and hasn't even gotten mexico to pay for it

>ignore the argument and ad hominem attack OP
pol logic

come on men Bernie says "If it works for Finland it just works"

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So again, you must realize that we are done for.
Nature abhors weakness and defects, and welfare in any form is too protective of weakness.


Because he wants to divert from the fact this is the exact same fence that Bush and Obama built hundreds of miles of.

Which I find odd, because surely he'd want to point out that he's doing nothing different than they did?


they're Finnished

money aint real man is all in your mind dude.
how can money be real if my EBT always has credit? just give cards to everyone nigga like think nigga

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He asked you a question you hook nosed weirdo

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so you're debunking yourself

its called a joke but thats ok man dont worry.

You tell yourself a lie so often you believe it, what trump is doing to his base, keep believing in him goyim

He thinks we are naive.

>having no clue what ad hominem is
And yes, I do ignore retarded shills, they may be relentless, but they are still wrong.

Who cares? It will be effective so it's a great thing and he IS making some progress on it and going around congress where he can.

They climbed using the "chicken wire" fencing attached to that section. That's not something that really exists on the rest of the wall. Not a problem.

Oh come on, this is never going to happen and everyone knows it. Notice the ridge on the other side as well, what a joke.

Now this is quality trolling.

If they spend it on American products, then we are still giving them that for free. Why do people even make this retarded argument? "Give me free money and I will spend it in your store." Fuck off shill.

>op is trying to figure out a way to cope with the fact that the wall is being built
that's cute, it's actually the exact design the border patrol wanted before Trump even ran for President

looks like a wall to me