Illegal immigration from mexico is b-

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>Hispanic women's heart disease risk is comparable to the heart disease risk level of Caucasian women who are about a decade older.
>Hispanic women's heart disease risk is comparable to the heart disease risk level of Caucasian women who are about a decade older.


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One must remember that although she may have some resemblance to a European, her genes have been stained to beyond a point of return. Mating with her the goal of producing children is stupid from the biological point of view, as the resultant offspring would be inferior compared to the offspring that would result from a same race combination..

-ound to result in the degeneration of the white ethnostate

What does a girl holding a cup of coffee have to do with illegal immigration?

fucking goblin


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Hey my name is Patrick Schlomober... I mean Smith and this thread definitely isn't a slide thread. There is no JIDF or shareblue.

>sips fluoridated tap water

ahhhhh thats the good stuff

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