
(((FOX))), (((ptg))) and (((r/the_donald))) are orchestrating the most obvious hit job in history of Jewish hit jobs to get rid of a guy they couldn't control. Will Jow Forums fall for it?

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Tucker defended child rapists. He's kill

Sauce? Been offline for a while.

Audio recordings that he confirmed are real on twitter. cba to spoonfeed

Lol no he didn’t faggot.


Holy shit he actually did

>(((FOX))), (((ptg))) and (((r/the_donald))) are orchestrating the most obvious hit job in history of Jewish hit jobs to get rid of a guy they couldn't control.
this is retarded and you're a faggot shill, OP
>in all fields

He said that the rapist that actually fucked a 16 year old should get more time and be shit on more than the guy who was the leader of a cult that married younger women to older men.
And he's right.

Reminder: Nature says that once they are fertile they are good to go. "Age of consent" is judeo-christian subversion and imbecility.

Tucker is a cuck. only retards on pol think he's something special. some guy already said this "you're a millionaire getting paid by (((billionares)))"
this is one of the only places this man is being worshipped but he's just another clown working for the (((MSM)))

This desu. The world is fucked now since these ideas came into Europe.

He didn't.

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Tucker is the only person in the MSM that has openly opposed legal immigration and has been concerned with the replacement of Americans in their own countries.
He's criticized capitalism before, especially automation, to a Jew's face (Ben Shapiro) after he argued they would put men out of work with self driving cars.

The proofs
He isn't openly 1488, obviously not, but he's definitely redpilled.

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It was an internal leak you niggery kike. Who do you think leaked it? Don Lemon?

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i wouldn't be surprised if (((Q))) released something ti discredit tucker in a couple of days by saying he is "paid off to shill against trump"

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Q is for boomers neck yourself.

Media matters is behind it. It's kikes every single time

>Will Jow Forums fall for it?
Of course not. Anyone who has watched Tucker for the past year or 2 knows that he is the closest thing to /ourguy/ in the MSM. He's held his tongue several times when almost calling out Israel and Jewish influence in the American politics. That's why they are trying over and over to take him down.

>"Age of consent" is judeo-christian subversion and imbecility.
no not even in the jews law its feminism.... so its the jews making us retarded on purpose

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Ask me how i know you are not a regular here

Mediamatters are just the libshits who published it. Who do you think the middleman was

As if he’s not a puppet. Please step out of your Fox News bubble you Ameridrone. MIGA

Since the antifa harassment didn't work now they shift to character assassination. Wouldn't be surprised if spineless boomers turn their back on him.
Fuck off kike



We won’t abandon him.

>Im not responsible for my actions everything is the jew's fault

You sound like a dindu

You know behind closed doors he is. Nobody who talks like that and doesn’t constantly kiss jew ass is. He has to be on here probably nightly. He is 100% /ourguy/.

> trump supporter
You’re unironically the biggest kike here.

Wouldn't be surprised. He's definitely someone I would want as President and not that traitor (((Trump))).


exactly, Q was releasing similar shit about not trusting Ann Coulter anymore so i would'nt be surprised if he says the same about tucker

you want to know how much they are pissing in our faces? Paul Joseph Watson is making a video about Michael Jackson (calling him a pedophile) right now for release shortly because that's what his kike money backers want him to do. see there is ZERO evidence that MJ actually diddled ANY kids ever, but fuck evidence when you have kike masters that want a slice of the MJ estate money. oh remember when they told us not to believe a word Christine Blasey Ford said because she had no hard evidence. so evidence is only required when it suits kikes and faggots like PJW.


Those kids parents literally said they faked it to get money.

lol know more news released a video on that exact subject recently

People generally dont think women can rape men, especially in 2006

>Tucker is compromised
>Jow Forums is compromised

I'm not voting. But if i would i would still vote for a republican over a Democrat.

exactly. was it creepy as hell him sleeping with kids? sure it was. but he never fucked a single one of them. the feds investigated him for 13 years and found nothing... but now the kikes have a sniff of money they want the mans legacy buried again with no evidence. frankly it's a fucking disgrace how we still tolerate cunts like PJW, it really is.

q hasn't mentioned white people even once. forget pro-white posts he pretends they dont exist

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>media matters is ptg, the donald, etc
curious to see how absurd shills are going to get with the "everything you like is kikes" tactic

it's a total nothingburger

The obligatory Jews dindu nuffin shillpost
Mediamatters just published the material that was leaked. Who leaked it?

first post, shill post

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so? thats called paid opposition. thats what the entire Fox network is. men like Tucker gets hand picked to make it seem their network is "different", but in the end it's the same shit. what has Tucker done to change one single law in one single white country against Immigration?

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He's not a politician you poor imitation of a paid shill.

You're delusional and suck cocks

>Will Jow Forums fall for it?
doesnt matter if they fall for it or not, god knows they wont do anything about it.

I don't give a shit. he's a useless fuck who gets paid to talk and give the illusion that Fox news is relevant in the bigger scheme of things. if he ever gets Jared Taylor on the show, the most PC spokesperson in the entire movement, I'll take him seriously. but that will never happen, which just proves my point. he will only go as far as they let him. and looks like he's reaching the end of the stick. so, he'll probably get dropped like O'Riley.

fuck Carlson!!

miga shill fags are just scared that if tucker ever runs he'll eclipse their zionist daddy.

So his only controversial remark is the equivalent of "nice" in response to a 13yr-old boy fucking his 28yr-old teacher? Pretty weak.

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Media matters is owned by George Soros
George Soros bailed out Trump and Ivanka and Jared took out hundreds of millions of dollars worth of loans from him.
Trump is trying to get rid of Tucker before the 2020 election because he knows that he has views similar to Ann Coulter and his position and influence in the media poses a threat to hiscampaign for re-election. You can't have an influential person on fox telling his viewers that Trump cucked on the wall and opened up the floodgates for the largest number of immigrants in US history.

>patriots have no skin color
>but statistically patriots are made up of mostly white people
>specifically white men

Tucker Carlson stands alone as one of the last star news-media dissident. They killed Tim Russert, killed Andrew Breitbart, pushed out Bill O'Reilly, marginalized Lou Dobbs, marginalized Glenn Beck, pushed out Matt Lauer.

Soon they will have absolute full spectrum control on mainstream media & all the major talking heads will be with ((them)).

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lol at swallowing the controlled opposition dopamine hits like a retarded sheep. tucker and his dad are spooks. go find a picture of his step-mom and dad together, you can't. only gov assets get wiped from google

Tuck's been milquetoast all year. He knows his boss wants trump re-elected, so he's been a low-key bootlicker

Bubba the Love Sponge. You know, the same faggot that leaked the Hulk Hogan tapes.


Yes, I can't believe Tucker grabbed her by the pussy like that.

Dude fuck off he's a millionaire paid by billionaires and he supports child molestation. FUCK TUCKER CARLSON.

I'm unironically a socialist right now. Jow Forums has failed me. Trump has failed me.

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No proof faggot, you're just mad no one likes Trump here anymore.

I'll still watch him.

you never supported Trump. fuck off, commie.



Tucker criticicized the globalist president and now he’s being hunted down. He is the only trustworthy person on Cable. We can’t let him get fired.

The guy who told him that was a literal kike controlled Dutch cuck. Tucker constantly criticizes billionaires, bankers, and the elite on a nightly basis.

>We can’t let him get fired
as if they're gonna let you decide what they're gona do... just lol
keep swallowing the Fox coolaid. do you watch Infowars too?
and? it's called paid opposition. they can get Tucker cuckson any day of the week. his kind is dime a dozen.

Tucker has us.
Trump lost us.
Don't get it twisted, shills.

Hurr you're getting paid money. It's not like he's accepting billions in bribes from the Saudi king like Qshner




You’re all kikes deserving of the gas chamber.

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What’s the weather like in Tel Aviv?

Obviously, left-wingers want Tucker Carlson gone before the 2020 election. Same reason they got rid of Alex Jones a couple months before the midterms.

I'm not sure how it will play out but the recording doesn't reveal anything as bad as what is being said about him. The misogynist crap about girls who need to be quiet and shit like that isn't enough to burn him. The shit he said about the cult leader is twisted out of proportion but it may prove to be a successful hit by (((them.)))

If Fox gets rid of him they are kill with millenials. Only boomers watch Hannity.

Alex Jones is a kike shill and a tranny lover who spouts off retarded bullshit that gets associated with actual things like the JQ. Now whenever you bring up the JQ or something of the like, you’re met with responses like, “I bet you think the Earth is flat” and “yeah, we’re also being ruled by shapeshifting lizard demons.” When you have retards spouting off stupid shit, you will have people that will lump that stupid shit in with things like the JQ because to normies, it’s all a “conspiracy theory.”

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I've been pointing out for a while he's the odd one in the room in Fox news. they are all glow in the dark zionists, and he's openly questioning the jewish agenda. The biggest question is why something like this didn't happen sooner? Perhaps because they knew his ratings were too high and they couldn't move on him immediately, they had to take time to dig dirt on him.

>will pol and Republicans care that Tucker Carlson is able to perceive the obvious?
gee, I don't know.

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Ecelebs are absolute niggers and establishment niggers from Fox are not to be trusted. However, until Tucker absolutely convinces me he isn't on the level, then I'll say that he's the best pundit to have ever been hosted on Fox or tv in general for the past 25 years.

High income alone doesn't mean he's pozzed out.

so....do you get paid to shill or do it for free?

Wow it's nothing

>Tucker: "There's this story about this 13 year kid having sex with his teacher 28 times a week"
>Co-host: "28 times a week?"
>Tucker "No way right? That's impossible!"

Beside that he made some Andrew Anglin comments on women called someone a cunt 13 years ago boo hoo hoo

He joked about it. He didn't defend the woman.

There is literally nothing wrong with /ptg/.

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>You will live to see a 1000 year reich ushered in by smug bowtie man
It's the only thing keeping me alive.

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u have been warned to stop shilling for Trump by the YangGang. Stop it and join us.

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It always comes back to commie pinko nigger talking points.


Yeah Mr. Shill, /ptg/ hates Tucker. Oh wait, they suck his cock nightly while they watch Boomer News.


*yawn* read what he said or listen to it.

It's the same shit a lawyer / defense attorney would say. It's factual. The female shit will nip him though.

well shit he's not exactly wrong is he?