What is this face supposed to represent ?

What is this face supposed to represent ?

Attached: e6f82ef9b055852770720173305c7fe3.png (492x741, 515K)

old age, senility, and ED

the president

It represents a man in the middle of talking. It also represents an Israel-first faggot who will never do anything for white people, unless kikes count.

Attached: 1472321672958.png (473x500, 28K)

In Babylon they had a ritual where they'd make a fool king for a day

a onions attempt at capturing an emotion from a frame between facial movements.

he wishes he was home in Israel

Judeo-Reptailian facemask, isn't it obvious at this point?
>tfw no reptilian gf

Attached: 1511632680945.png (688x1434, 112K)

He's loading up his drawers again.

Attached: F1520284255503.png (479x438, 104K)

Whore for Israel who sold out Jow Forums and white trash everywhere.