
Attached: KANGZ.jpg (744x669, 93K)

And just like all other niggers he pissed it away on drugs and bling.

I bet he had a million slaves and they were all treated like shit lol

bullshit fake news
King Solomon holds that title

Is that the WE WUZ guy?

Truly a jew among niggers.
>#2 the Rothschilds
really activates the joggin'

And he ended up giving most of it away as gifts and bribes. His kingdom ended in slavery and starvation because he didn't have the foresight to do something with his country's wealth of resources.

Crassus and Augustus were richer.

>richest person in history
>bought a larger hut and some extra pots
Who gives a fuck

And yet they don't report how he was one of the kings with the most slaves ever.
And his slaves were all black.
But it's ok, they need to fit the black people = good narrative without dismantling their own white people = bad cuz slavery n sheeeit.

oh sweet I guess now we're allowed to look at dictators, royal families and "nobility"

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this, he gave up so much gold away that he destabilized the Middle East. He gave up a lot of it when he traveled Mecca and the entire region suffered for it. Overall niggers being niggers

>The list uses the annual 2199.6 per cent rate of inflation to adjust historic fortunes
That seems a bit high. Also this wasn't someone that made their wealth he was just the ruler of his nation and claimed all the wealth his nation produced.
By that logic Stalin would be the wealthiest man ever if you count everything he could command as his personal property. Or maybe Chairman Winnie the Poo.

there was a Roman Trillionaire

It’s true though

>inb4 he had slaves
Slaves in africa were held to a much higher standard of living than those in the americas, chattel slavery as we know it is a european/american concept

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The first nigger rich nigger

How does one adjust inflation from 7 centuries ago?

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I never understood why blacks use this guy to say about how "WE WUZ RICH WILE YOU BE LIVIN' NDA CAVE" even though he spended his fortune in dumb shit who had nothing to do with his people and country, I think even Crassus did more for his nation than this kang.

He literally gave out so much gold on his pilgrimage to mecca he destabilized the gold based economy across the continent for decades.

If they had enough gold to do Then surely they were pretty well off in the homeland

From the article:
>The list uses the annual 2199.6 per cent rate of inflation to adjust historic fortunes – a formula that means $100 million in 1913 would be equal to £2.299.63 billion today.
Which is bullshit because inflation was mostly flat before 1913. Any guesses as to why?

>who's really in charge here?

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>Slaves in africa were held to a much higher standard of living than those in the americas
Holy fuck what level of brainlet is this



this, he was insanely rich but it was mostly from selling his own people to other countries as slaves.
the kingdom of mali was a miserable place to live

Let me know when you find a contemporary likeness of Musa made in Africa and you are able to stop using a European map to depict him.

It’s true, there were foreign born slaves in African kingdoms who’d grow to become princes because there wasnt a stigma like in other places

>The list uses the annual 2199.6 per cent rate of inflation to adjust historic fortunes – a formula that means $100 million in 1913 would be equal to £2.299.63 billion today
>thinking inflation existed prior to fiat currencies in the 1800's
>thinking everything his nation owned was his
>had access to massive amounts of salt and gold which would have been extremely valuable in europe; but he possessed no logistics to move them to where they were valued
>omitting the amount of slaves he owned cause dat be racist
>wealth did not last a single generation

OPs list conveniently only goes back 1000 years.

Augustus Ceaser personally owned Egypt, People estimate he was worth north of $3 trillion

Attached: Ghezo, king of Dahomey.jpg (861x849, 320K)

but this is true. Africa was rich, why do you think we colonized it? this is the only great African king the slaves might have been related to.
he had so much gold when he went on hajj in the 1200s I think, he tanked Arabia's economy just by buying stuff to take home

I mean yeah he was a king, more than I can say for any jamal chicken chewing nigger these days.

>Then surely they were pretty well off in the homeland
That's not how economics works.
Plus, you can't eat gold.