The only way you ever get out of a Leftist all-out public assault (being called racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc. etc. etc.) without losing, YOU DO NOT APOLOGIZE.

Mark my words, Tucker will survive this SIMPLY because he's doing it right. When will everyone else learn?

Attached: never give up never surrender.png (941x682, 544K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He needs to do a two part tweet
>I'd like to say I'm deeply sorry 1/2
>That you all suck so much 2/2


based madman

Haha. Fucking this.

Tucker is an idiot. Did you hear how he reacted to the dutch guy who said he was following the Fox news party line on corporate taxes? What kind of grown man reacts like that?
Also, what kind of grown man, with a family no less, does shock-jock radio shows? What a fucking idiot loser.

t. Maddow

Remember, no one is actually offended or losing sleep over his comments. Apologies are a sign of submission. They let advertisers know its okay to release you because you admit wrongdoing.

Trump proved apologizing is unnecessary. His least controversial press conferences would ruin most actors careers. Just own your shit and everyone else will back down and move on to someone willing to cower

hi discord tranny. the duch faggot is a idiot. and want the west to fall from socialism. in case you have not realized thats all this bs is. the east using psy ops on america by taking over it sgovernment and media.

brilliant plan and its working well for them.

No, based Gen X'er, who knows what it means to be an adult man. And believe me, if they are on TV, they ain't it.

Can't cuck the tuck. I knew this guy was based ever since I read his opinion piece on the ice that was thrown at someone. It was a while ago it but it was the best opinion peice I ever read

the kind of grown man who realizes he's been taken advantage of by someone who is disingenuous and manipulative

This...just look at Joy Reid..she posted politically incorrect things yeara ago and got called out and she never apologized..hell she said someone hacked her old blogs


(((Hello fellow white people, don't you realize that Tucker Carlson is making us look bad? We believe in Capitalism and Moralism, Tucker hates everything we stand for. He doesn't even believe Israel is our greatest ally. Disgusting. He's going to drag us all down with him. We have to abandon him to save ourselves. Thank you for listening fellow white people, keep working hard and consuming products. Conservatism is the way.)))

I think he understands that you absolutely never ever apologize to leftists cunts

lmao. Oh pls do fuck off you complete and utter soilent faggot.

Attached: 1518489129277.png (566x776, 749K)

>Mark my words, Tucker will survive this SIMPLY because he's doing it right. When will everyone else learn?
Yeah, outrage mobs burn bright but burn fast. Tough it out for a week and you're in the clear. Fuck, Northam of all people showed how it's done and that fucker was literally one wife's nod away from moonwalking at a press conference.

Source for those interested:

Attached: haveayou.jpg (242x459, 33K)

Some Eurotrash Bolshevik retard couldn't produce an argument so he got told to fuck off. Big deal.


That’s Adam Kobel.


He said women are basic primitive, which is true.
Then he said arranged marriages were wrong, but not as bad as kidnapping and raping someone, also true. Then he called some whore celebrities for what they were.

He called Tucker a millionaire who took orders from (((billionaires))).
>I've been found out!

Fuck off, Brockroach.

Freebased Gen Xer maybe. Posting from Skid Row on your Obamaphone?

He also said that sex worked claiming rape have less credibility than other women and rape shield laws are bad.

All I wanna say is that (((they))) don't really care about us.

>No. I will not apologize. I meant it then, it was correct then, it's correct now and I mean it now. I will not play by your bullshit PC rules. If you disagree with me, come on my show and let's talk about it like adults.
The absolute stones and integrity of this alpha.

Tide yourself you illiterate pod gobbler

>That you're all so cunty 2/2

He did nothing wrong. I agree that he shouldn't give in to such evil people over harmless statements that he has the right to make.

THIS. Do not apologize or give a fucking inch. If they call you a racist, bigot, whatever just tell them so? and how does that change the point? Tell them if they don't want to be called cunty, or thieving niggers, or subversive kikes, to not be constantly displaying these behaviors. Until they learn to act differently, we, the white man, will continue to call them out on their bullshit. Now is the time to be strong gentlemen.

So many people are scared of someone not liking what they had to say that they'll instantly go into butt kiss mode. Start being men again god damn it.

The only thing I'm afraid of are those split, dead-ass ends honey.

He handled the interview poorly, but he handled the aftermath PERFECTLY.