How can we make posting Yang memes a bannable offense Jow Forums?
ITT we come up with ideas to stop the Yang spam
if any one of those faggots actually thought their miga/yang/aoc/tulsi demoralization spamming had an actual effect on this place and made a single rational person ditch trump I hope they collectively die of fag flue during the 2020 elections
All they do is spam porn and weebshit, every single time they get confronted on policy they magically disappear. As monotonous as it is, children will be children and what you do with children is you tell them the same shit over and over because they never fucking learn. Eventually they either fuck off or pick a new (((meme))) which, no doubt, will have the same crippling weakness.
All you have to do is report it. Mods don't hunt for problems. Mods respond to reports. File reports, sage the threads, and post rolls or other garbage to derail them.
Why is the board filled with these threads? Do you really think that no one is reporting them?
I really think few people report anything. Most of the time people just go to another thread or bitch.
Call them Yangapedes and compare them to the blind Trump supporters that infest this board as well.
i hate em too but this isn't a fucking safespace hugbox so they are free to post their threads.
if it pisses you off that bad then just report for spam which is already a violation and force them to stick to their containment general like those ptg fags
The horse gets the ban too. Ban both and all transgender shit from Jow Forums