Thought Mutts were just an overblown meme

>thought Mutts were just an overblown meme
>randomly watch American Idol for the first time in like 10 years because why not, kinda high, could be comfy

Attached: 56porciento.png (1418x1014, 1.75M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>family consists of 8 sister and 2 brothers
>NONE of the dads are active in their lives
>kid in pic Works at 17 to support the family at the local grocery store (Piggly Wiggly)

Attached: family.png (1366x724, 1.68M)


Gingers have the strongest genes. Kinda funny.

90% of mixed race kids are ugly bastards
The other 10% get pushed as being the mean.

Part mexican mutt here. Race mixers are suicide cultists that deserve the death penalty for being traitors. I could have been a white man but instead I am a fucking Mexican mutt.

Attached: 1548908617643.gif (325x203, 780K)

At least they can vote ZOG to own the libs, faggot!

Attached: 1552274008369.png (1418x536, 145K)

I have 9/10 looks for being a mutt and I have to beat women off of me with a stick. I do not want to race mix or fuck tons of nasty bitches, this is torture.

pol is full of these. Non whites who demand white ethnostate and genocide of browns, but theyre fucking brown teenagers themselves

t. Amerimutt

Attached: 1552275199750.png (288x269, 50K)