Is this another Jew's trick to get people clean up their shit for free?
Is this another Jew's trick to get people clean up their shit for free?
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Yeah looks like it
Should be #cleaningupafterforeigners or #cleaningupaftersubhumans
>People do something good for the environment
>Post it on social media to inspire / peer pressure others to do so too
>ItS a JeWiSh TrIcK gUyS
Ya fags cant argue them numbers
completely futile.
Migrants are just gonna trash it again.
They’re probably lazy fuks who don’t like to see effort by others.
no, it's virtye signaling for upper middle class anglos who have the resources and time to travel to picturesque places (causing more environmental harm in the process than caused by the trash in question) pick up a few bottles and then post it on instagram or twitter
spbp, thanks for hitting the nail on the head Ausbro.
Hopefully this trend keeps up. Won't be long before all these conscientious people can't help but notice who keeps shitting things back up again.