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>poop in the yard
good thing they don't have real children if they can't even clean up dog shit in their yard

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I thought it was gonna live forever

I checked to see how blackpilled I could get for one night. Found a thread about 'WOOOMEN of plebbit: what would a guy do to ruin his chances with you?' The responses were just dismal. I can't even fathom that it's what normfags actually believe. Every day I care less and less, which is impressive, because I didn't care in the first place.

did it die of old age or did it get hit by a car? I mean this is why you have kids, not a dog. Because the kids won't die in 12 years. I get loving your pet but come on, you grieve for a few days and move on and get a new one

This is a childish response to an event that could only be construed as serious or life-changing if one has the mind of a child. Did we really think that we could take away personal accountability and responsibility and not have any consequences? The consequences are that grown adults attach the emotional significance to a pet as to a child. I hope that, at some point, a friend or acquaintance of this man quotes this post on the page of a man or woman who just lost their young child to cancer or a car crash. Post the dog post and see if he feels any recognition of the ABSURDITY of crying over a fucking dog.

This is how absurd reality is.

actually that reminds me of my aunt and uncle, they're the embodiment of the fur baby shit. When their old dog died they replaced it with the exact same kind of dog and continued the fur baby shit. It's fucked up when you think about it, they just replaced it like an appliance

> so sociopathic you cannot relate to a creature that grew up with humanity dating back at least 20,000 years.

Neck yourself OP. You are probably lacking frontal lobe development that prevents you front understand the death of a loved one. Child or not, it hurts. In 30 years I have had two dogs die on me. One of old age, and both in pain. If you are unable to feel empathy in that case, you are legitimately probably better off killing yourself.

i understand loss but that reddit post is fucking weird i had a tear when my dog died but that was it and it was in private something is off about that guys hormones or something

I'm going to add more onto this. This is really endemic of Jow Forums. A bunch of numales pretending to be alpha. Jow Forums is reddit. Just because your opinion is edgy is doesn't mean you shouldnt kill yourself OP.