Lent 2019

Any other Christians fasting for lent? Orthodox Christians just started today.

Should I give up posting and even browsing Jow Forums for Lent?

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Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/tce8jo9zqhlh7wt/A System of Morality.pdf?dl=0

Fuck off moshe we're not going anywhere

I'm fasting but that's all the giving up that I'm doing right now, unless I can figure out how to give up my desire for a gf.

I actually am gonna give up watching porn and jerking off. I think I did last year.

You should give that up permanently and repent.
That will doom you to Hell 100%.
Yep but I already fast very often so this isn't a big deal for me, I'm more so focused on giving up certain things.
Tomorrow I'll have a chick fil a sandwich and that's it, maybe some waffle fries and a milkshake.

You should slam protein and do deadlifts. Fasting is for hippies, niggers and faggots.

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Jesus fasted and was none of those things, you ignorant wallbanger.

Isn't the forgiveness vespers the neatest thing?

>Jesus fasted and died at 33

Not in the Scriptures, it's a pagan "turning of seasons" observance of traditions of Tammuz and Osiris.

1 Timothy 4:3
Ezekiel 8:13-14