Do you whitebois want us to declare war on YOU? Why won't you let us join the club that you promised? Do you fear that we will breed your bitches when we join? Well guess what whiteboi IT'S ALREADY HAPPENING
Do you whitebois want us to declare war on YOU? Why won't you let us join the club that you promised...
Lol, why so mad? Establish a real gov and maybe we can think about it. Now you are only a joke.
first pay us reparations for what you did to us whiteboi
Please do, we need to reclaim Constantinople.
At least have the decency to go all the way to Italy this time so the Roman Empire’s death was not for naught
Behold Kara Boga making his way to Europe ready to breed all white wemin
It's really cute that you think you're going to win. I promise that war does occur in the next five years. Erdogan will attempt to block access through the Bosphorus after the Treaty of Lausanne ends in 2023, the EU and Russia will temporarily unite to curb-stomp Turkey, it won't be a competitive war and the map of the region by 2025 will look like this. Save the map, be astonished in six years.
Fuck you, make your own stuff, shitskin.
The Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians will be the ones getting reps.
Why don't you repay whites for the Barbary slave trade, shitskin?
Should the Turkish man join the European Union BY FORCE when the Europeans won't let him join the club that they promised?
Begone roach.
The greatest irony is that they don't realise what sluts MENA women are for white cock the second they get an inch of freedom to indulge themselves. European sexuality if currently out in the open, you see the occasional slag with a MENA guy and that makes them all believe that it only happens this way round, meanwhile their sisters all secretly, desperately cry out for a bleaching.
The only, the ONLY reason why you ever were even discussed to join was because the (((((((((USA))))))))))) wanted it. To have U-boat inside the EU. Now that the Anglo-American-Zionist world order is slowly crumbling, it's all over. Nevermind you funded ISIS and bought their oil. Also: remove your spys from our country. Now.
Give me a horse, a lance and I will stop turks singlehandedly
It's not for you Achmed.
The Kurdish question is an insurmountable problem for the Turks. At this point a capitulation on the issue would be too humiliating, however if they keep the Kurds in they'll quite soon lose democratic control of the state.
Why the fuck would you want to join the EU anyway?
1/3 of your conutrymen are kurdish and you will have a civil war on your hand within a decade, no1 wants to have to deal with that shit
Gibs, off-load population. Ultra-Nationalist organisations are actually way more popular among the diaspora Turks than in Turkey. Erdogan has made explicit boasts about how he believes Turks will slowly take over several European Nations and sponsors a number of small time Turko-Centric parties in Germany, The Netherlands and Austria.
No, let's not fight. You go to Liberia and farm the land that was given to you and we will call it even.
Disgusting turks have special place in my heart, first nukes will be for you.
Pro-Erdogan poster here.
I am confused. Wasn't the last news that Turkey doesn't want to join the EU bc they'll come crawling back to Turkey and asking them to join? Why do you now want to be in that shitty club to begin with? Are you a liberal?
Oh look, a turkroach. They always come out at night
It goes in all fields, not politics
cause you been sucking Irans dick
kek you were a threat 300 years ago
you are a joke now
sick man of europe
>Why won't you let us join the club that you promised?
>implying you could join while you refuse to even acknowledge the existence of one of our member
>implying you still want to join it after we made you wait for decades
>implying you don't just want to milk as many gibs from the union as you can before it sudokus itself
It's true, for all the cringey Kara Bonga posting, it's actually the Turks getting outbred by the Commie Kurds. At 2040 the monobrows will field as many soldiers as the kebabs. So I am not too worried about them, all discount Putin Erdoroach can do is blackmail Europe for a few billion until he himself gets completely swarmed. Also: niggers.
Make Turkey Greece Again.
Daily reminder that without the European part of Turkey and their potential future control of traffic in and out of the black sea Turkey would be completely and utterly irrelevant.
here ya go, buddy
pls do and destroy the ruined faggot west
>Constantinople under Russian orthodoxy and not atheist EU
Turks are part white.