Devs Mar 7 >SyAF responds to HTS threats to attack gov positions with massive assault on HTS positions near Saraqib&Khan Sheikhoun >IS ambushes US-backed rebels in Tanf zone, top commander seriously wounded >DeZ:SDF announced it resumed its offensive on Baghouz following the evacuation of civilians >Al-Sweida:NDF confronts IS group that tried to travel through E Al-Sweida desert region, captured a jihadists that claimed around 200 IS fighters are still hiding in the desert reigion of E Al-Sweida >Lavrov:US needs Rukban camp to justify ‘illegal’ presence in Syria >Joint Russian-Syrian airstrikes destroy a Jaysh Al-Izza base near Khan Sheikhoun, S Idlib >Nearly 400 ISIS terrorists captured after attempting to flee battlefield >2 prankers revealed US Venezuela strategy. Elliott Abrams: US armed forces will never be deployed there, we are doing financial, economic&diplomatic pressure >Houthi attack along Yemeni border kills 20+ Saudi Coal fighters >Pro-Houthi sources claim that the Saudi-led coal violated al-Hudaydah ceasefire up to 100 times in last 24 hours >US threats against Turkey over S400 purchase failed. Erdogan says Turkey may also buy russian S500 >Trump is now “100%” with keeping uS forces in Syria
= NGO’s and hybrid = >WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria
haven't been on for a while anything interesting happened? Venez coup still failing? anything coming up on summits/meetings? like on nork/syria/venez/yemen?
Russian Empire had no business in sub-saharan Africa; contacts were maintained only with orthodox Ethiopia. Soviet Union conducted various humanitarian and educational operations; sometimes supplied weapons in exchange for rare earth metals and uranium.
Therefore we can call call a negro - negro - without any remorse or tolerance bullshit.
Ryder Nelson
That makes it even worse. There are no free meals.
Connor Russell
You should just move to Russia and work illegally.
Colton Gray
>the absolute state of putinboos what's your job? what studies have you made?
Levi Phillips
Is Syria clean? Assad doing good I guess.
Chavez ain't gettin into the big club, eh? The deal is already made with Guaido or whatever.. ..meanwhile people starve.. dogs bark and the caravan goes on.. it's a nice day today, a bit cold
Haven't seen /SG/ in a long time, but (((MSM))) was claiming USA and her allies were beating ISIS at last, which I know it's quite probably false. PD: Can anyone update me on Lebanon? Is there anything going on there? Too calmed for a long time.
Pooten is too cucked to give Lebanon even outdated SAM complexes.
Camden Perry
Yikes, why is he so bluepilled lately? He used to be alright in 2018.
Jayden Flores
Constant air space violations done by Israel and nothing is done, of course. The UN is obsolete but rich jews still need the UN to send national armed forces from small countries into africa to defend their facilities
Lucas Moore
You know, (((oligarchs))))
Luke White
Are the Russian oligarchs as ((())) as the Ukranian ones? I thought hohols were worse in that aspect
Jaxon Nelson
Many are. Although in this case I would argue he's just scared because he knows Bibi has the Golem on his side.
Michael Ross
They are all the same post-soviet shit. ctrl+c, ctrl+v
>Golem There is a legend that supposedly GRU Genshab proposed Brezhnev ruin U.S in the 70's, but he was scared by emergence of 10 new states with nuclear weapons. The rest of the history is well known.
Ayden Wright
>balkanizing the Golem How was he going to do that?
Jacob Reed
They have slightly less power then American ones and Putin forces them to not completely destroy Russia But they absolutely need to be systematically removed over the next decade otherwise there could be serious problems for Russia
Gavin Gutierrez
>urban legend IDK, but in theory - through energy crisis intensification.
Christian Young
When the Soviet Union fell, the US was personally in charge of implementing (((capitalism))) in all the post-Soviet states. It's only natural that their darlings were all part of the tribe.
>implying during and pre Soviet Era they weren't the same
Sebastian Taylor
Tito is our hero, use his image wisely!
Benjamin King
It's happening already. Crime on the rise, tacos swarming, race war. Jews know they have few time left so they need to muddle things up to pass unadverted while nakba 2.0 happens. Remember, jew is a murderer
James Russell
Also this Privatization wasn't "some bad apples got ahold of this fair and just system" like the Mutts claim The IMF has done more damage to Eastern Europe then Germany and Russia combined
He was too gentle on Albanians, should've Holodomor'd them
James Bennett
Basado y rojopastilleado argieanon. How is it going over there with the (((pañuelos verdes)))? Also, why tf you call Macri "gato"? What does cat mean in this context?
Lincoln Harris
The main theory in Russia that ruling class consists of two wings 1. "siloviks" (sila - force; i.e ministry of defence, federal security service, etc) - hawks/hardliners, 2. "more liberal" - business oligarchy, western cosmopolitan types. And Putin is a chairman/arbitrator among them.
What you would hear on /pol is a more crazy unpopular theories you wouldn't here in russian segment of Internet. The question is: are they trying to bullshit you (foreigners) or they're completely mental cases.
Kayden Campbell
After Jimmy Carter was finished the US had just lost a war against rice farmers, got BTFO in Iran, went through a humiliating energy crisis after shilling for Israel too much, couldn't stop commie Latin American countries from popping up right at it's doorstep, they couldn't even kill Castro who is like 150km from Florida and to top it all of Carter was being a total bitch about all of it At the time it felt like the US was falling apart
Parker Nguyen
While a fat one would be fading, a lean one would have died.
IMF indirectly provoked Malthusian crisis in Syria, which lead to """civil""" war. They advised Assad to abolish state benefits for farmers. In the middle of drought Nuff said
John Ortiz
Well to me it looks like the Oligarchs just want more Dachas in the Black Sea and the Brass hats want Evil Empire back In places like Crimea these interests coalesce
Noah Lee
Don't forget about Oil Export Ban by OPEC in 70's.
Las feminazis son minoría como en casi cualquier nación que se aprecie a si misma, pero como mujeres ofendidas y resentidas rompen bien las pelotas. Un asunto de minorías que en Argentina siempre se maneja mal. Gato acá significa algo como cani allá. Empezó como despectivo que se proferían entre sí los villeros, negros si se quiere, para denostar del otro una cierta vestimenta, posesión material o actitud digna de un clase de mayor gerarquía que a la que el negro pertenecía. Saludos morbocornudo Papi patria
Aaron Sanders
After we finished reforms instructed to us by the IMF the Yugoslav economy took a nosedive, then the IMF passed a law that they will not give out further loans to Yugoslavia BUT, they would give loans to any country that secedes from Yugoslavia This is when the nationalist parties (funded by your friendly neighbourhood NGOs) started getting popular
Yeah, it really seemed like the USSR might come out ahead But Reagan was sort of like Americas Putin in the sense that he revived their nationalism, even if he sold them to the corporations he still kept the country afloat through the 80s
Daniel Thompson
Gracias tronco, que Macri te sea leve y venga un Perón (o un Lonardi) pronto.
Benjamin Gutierrez
Was Draža in the right about the fifth column thing?
Tyler Thomas
are you here ?
Luke Nelson
No they want dachas in the French Riviera, yet they sat the fuck down during the Crimea happening and aggressive sanctions from EU/US.
Jace Thomas
"Reagan was America's Putin" is probably the best description I have heard of Reagan in a while, based.
Angel Carter
Lectured. Similar thing happened here in 2001/2002. First give money, fuck economy and there is when secesionist idea began to pour in the media. It was resisted because Argentina elite is full of cucks that love mommy and comfy position. Better Kang on great shitland than kang on smaller shitland. Also economy very mucho centralized But pritty mucho the same agenda of balcanization
Nolan Fisher
To be fair plenty of the oligarchs want neoliberalism and globohomo too. Thankfully those got shut down for the most part (see Khodarkovsky who has now dedicated his life to sucking jew cock and autistically screeching about Putin)
this general is doing real good, not a single arab nor discussion about syria/middle east.
Josiah Wright
Man our country has been 4 5th columns and one wooden pole since 1918 Northing seems to ever go right Funny, when Adolf saw how good the invasion was going he said that the "Crimea would be the German Riviera", and planned to extend the Autobahn to it "so every German can visit it with their Volkswagen"
Hunter Cox
Then start discussing it, jordanfag. How is your country doing under Israel's boot?
Christian Wood
Not a single happening nor relevant news about syria/middle east
Nathan Ward
then why is this thread still going ?
Ryan Cooper
t. moor rapebaby
you have arab blood flowing through you right now, mutt.
Dominic Hill
In fact, by 80's both sides came with critical problems in society and economics: West choked out because lack of new markets, while East still not solved "last mile" economic problem. But in US postmodernism philosophy has already been developed, just like post-industrial ideology alongside with cyberspace and mass-communication, while OGAS was still in initial stages of preliminary design and ideology hasnt been updated since early 60's.
Reagan just enforced it all.
Joseph Nguyen
Last bastion of good discussion on Jow Forums At least until Mutt larpers show up
Nathan Perez
everyone else>rectumus>sparky>turduni
Michael Jones
I don't know I think the best outcome would've been to transform the USSR into the Russian Federation and don't let any of the states secede You got to tank a few protesters to do it but at least you don't totally destroy the economy
Easton Adams
discussion of what exactly ? not syria right ? so syria general shouldn't exist since no one is talking about it anymore, if you want to have interesting discussions not about syria/middle east you don't do it on /sg/.
Owen Robinson
I talk'd about nakba you faggotlord. Jew cocksucker(gay).
Christopher Cox
We need to call it Syria in order to keep the Mutts out Having any discussion about a Muslim country is not allowed on nu/pol/, because Mutts can't find it on the map
Julian Smith
>nakba what ?
Thomas Bell
the mutts are out because /sg/ is dead, i think you should start thinking about making another general since /sg/ is pointless now.
Elijah Richardson
>transform USSR into RF Not really. The best option was to keep critical republics in Union/Federation and get rid of welfare queens. Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the Butthurtics and Kazakhstan. Everything else was either secondary or unnecessary.
Cameron Carter