The Ultimate Red-pill is finding someone you adore and spending the rest of your life loving them. You got this user! I believe in you.
Just A Reminder:
So true, user. And then another 1,000 $$$. EVERY MONTH!
>the rest of your life loving them
people get on my nerves, especially bitches that wrap their filthy tampons in only enough toilet paper to allow the blog to seep through buy not enough to completely disguise it and yhen you see it laying there in the trash can and you gotta break up with her
This is true, and the only way to save us. Find a woman you love and who loves you in return. Create a family. It's the best defense against (((them))) you can possibly have.
I actually have this and I'm grateful. She saved me from a life of porn addiction and drug abuse by actually being a supportive, submissive waifu who cooks and cleans and is worth not spending all my sexual and mental energy on degenerate vice. Don't despair bros, you only need one, and she's out there somewhere.