kill yourself shill rat
That blue check might as well be a star of David.
Every day I have to marvel at what the (((billionaires))) and CNN pulled off. They got unemployed whites to hate the very people that want them to have their own countries, healthy job markets and not NEED to fight big banks & big corps. It's truly remarkable.
He's half right in the sense that neither the Democrats nor Republicans serve the working white male population. Both sides treat them like cattle for the jews.
No they fought against a constant march of degeneracy that would quicken the second coming of Christ and end the world.
You don’t like religion? Then try this.
We fought against a steadily approaching and likely inevitable socialist death march so we could protect the same retards that scream in our face that we are evil and useless from their own horrible decisions.
you are literally a shill for the donor class and you're not even smart enough to get paid to do it
Fucking based trips of truth.
Yeah, but those people are all fags, so of course we should hate them.
I want all Jow Forums shills to be executed by mauling.