... To show Fox News that we stand with Tucker Carlson. The Left is calling on Fox News to fire Tucker. If they bow down to the Left, we drop Fox News.
... To show Fox News that we stand with Tucker Carlson. The Left is calling on Fox News to fire Tucker. If they bow down to the Left, we drop Fox News.
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Do you all want to help? Right now, (((twitter))) is trending his name at number one and it's filed with leftist scum.
>The Left is calling on Fox News to fire Tucker.
Because of...?
he did an interview before 2010 where it sounds like he is downplaying or excusing pedophilia
you know, that perversion leftists love when their own guys do it.
checked. media matters made a video compilation of tucker speaking the truth in the past and is pushing it as something he did wrong.
Tucker is a light unto the world.
14Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
but he didnt downplay pedophilia, he downplayed the charges. the shit is literally nothing and just another coordinated attack
Exactly. Tucker was just made a joke.
But the Left is serious with their Pedophilia. These are the same people who celebrate 6-year old drag queens getting showered with cash at a Gay strip club.
*making a joke
This is your fault as well. The right has used just like the left this new insult of ´"pædophilia" as the new boogie man since faggots and trannies have now been succesfully normalized and "racist" has lost its power amongst the right, triggering only leftists and cuckservatives. The only thing unifying the two sides is this triggering and throwing around of pædophilia insults, that in the end will be used to destroy the right before the left successfully normalizes it like it has done with the other degeneracies. So go ahead and scream about leftist pædos and pizzagate all you want, the leftist will be there sacrificing some of their own, but eventually they will turn it on you like they have with faggots, trannies and the ever anime-pædo-loving fags the right is infested with.
Checked. He made a joke about a 28 year old female teacher banging a 13 year old male student 28 times in a week then literally said several times that he’s jk and doesn’t condone it. He also said something about women wanting men who take control in a relationship rather than a cuck weakling. Basically we found out that he’s just like every other guy who doesn’t drink his meals
fuck cucker carlson.
fuck fox news.
fuck op.
fuck your mother
hi leftist. kys.
since WHEN does a mob of twitter-bots, probably bought and paid for by George Soros, determine who works for Fox News?
the only one that seems to be whining about this guy (of any real significance, anyway) is Michael Avenatti, according to what I'm reading, as far back as mid last December.
So he convinced an advertiser to pull ads. Whoop-de-friggin-doo!
My guess is that a NUMBER of companies would LOVE to buy advertising for Tucker's show, and as a result, someone else will do JUST that, and get that prime advertising slot that those who abandon Tucker's show will no longer have.
I'll keep watching Tucker's show, even MORE now, because he's pissing off the people that piss ME off, which is a GOOD thing!!!
Tucker is Trump's favourite, they can't kick Tucker out.
They sacrificed their James Gunn so they're coming for your Carlson
tucker responded and will not back down
I don't care if Tucker is on Fox or not. I'll watch him wherever he goes.
We want Tucker to be fired by Fox. Why ? That way he starts an Internet show, thus he'll be more free. NOW THATS 4D Chess
Do you think this makes you look intelligent or something?
If you aren't slandered in the enemies press today then yesterday you have acomplished nothing of value.
God-bless you Tucker.
Who is he accused of raping?
Tucker hasn't mentioned anything about Ilhan Omar except to say the situation "is funny."
Go figure.
Not your personal army, dumb boomer.
What Tucker said was way less bad (if at all bad, really) than what that niggercunt Joy Reid said on MSNBC, and she's still there so Fox better think awfully hard about doing anything at all to tucker.
People forget that he used to be on CNN and MSNBC.
No thanks. Trying to get people on Jow Forums to use a hashtag is nigger tier.
when will they learn
Honestly, it doesn't even sound like him on the phone
Kys, shills.
I am using OPs hashtag right now :^)
Tucker is a brave man who goes out on the front lines while remaining consistently uncucked.
Defend your own tribe.
Smart. If he apologized it would just be an admission of guilt and invitation to be attacked and de-platformed.
These people can't fight fairly.
I'm interested in seeing where this goes.
Michael Avenatti has been pissed ever since Tucker called him "Creepy Porn Lawyer" to his face.
Well that's his own fault. He just had to not be a creepy porn lawyer and that wouldn't have become his nickname.
Based on twitter I thought it as going to be bad.
But everything he said is true and was acknowledged by everyone until maybe 5 years ago. South Park even made episodes about it. NICE.
Kek now he's a creepy pedo lawyer
Didn't snl do a skit with Ronda Rousey making fun of this?
Found it!
>watching cable news
>paying to have propaganda piped into my home
Dropped them a long time ago and I don't regret it for a second.
youre a goddamn genuine fooking idiot. piss off simpleton
very low IQ post
Jon Stewart crushed him.
Honestly this.
When ever I see him in interviews off fox he's become more and more based. At the moment who's the best we have on the right? Shapiro ? Fuck that.
If tucker went independent and took it seriously, not just getting random nutty SJWs on every episode is be inclined to actually subscribe.
Hashtag campaigns are for faggots. What it will come down to is his show's ratings and sponsors. Guessing no.
If they do fire him he'll be free to do whatever he wants. Is it really better for Fox to keep him and have leverage over him because they protected him? Maybe they'll tell him to tamp down criticism of Zionist Don.
tuck was cucked
Tucker is controlled opposition for retards
You mean Jon Leibowitz brother of Larry Leibowitz ex Goldman Sachs and COO of the New York Stock Exchange? Doesn't get more Jewish than that...one is "The Man!/Authority!" the other "Against The Man!/Question Authority!"
Bump. We're long passed the time for apologies with these fucks.
I already had a lot of respect for him but to say this and not be a cuck only makes me respect him more.
Agreed. You won't win by adhering to your own principles all the time—you can admit you're wrong and with grace but never apologise because your enemies will take it as a sign of weakness—look at Laura Ingraham when she apologised to David Hogg and the little prick just threw it back in her face.
Sorry ladyboys The Tuck won't be cucked.
This picture is funny but I've also considered this problem in the past. Does showing someone our support actually help a public figure or does it hamper them? Will the (((media))) just write a kiked hit piece about how "neo Nazi white supremacists trolls" are supported tucker?
In any case, proud of our boy for being eternally unwilling to cuck out
Hardly. I thought that at the time when I was like 16 and a retarded cunt, but if you watch that now you'll see Stewart is pulling the eternal Jew slither tactic, on top of saying very, very little with this overt air of moral superiority. The guy is a cunt, and his show was only funny during a time when the left was not yet able to express their full despicable degeneracy.
>The Left is calling on Fox News to fire Tucker
They've been doing it once a week since forever. And?
But that's the thing. Tucker isn't mainly supported by the alt-right and Nazis, he's supported by boomers.
If they push him off cable news, Boomers will follow him onto the Internet.
What other talking heads do you think the algorithm will direct his viewers to?
I'm sure the algorithms will lump him in with fringe alt-rightists like they do with anybody who is center right.
In a way Tucker getting fired would be good thing. It would allow FOX to spiral deep into neocon kikery and destroy their brand. Imagine FOX with 25hr Hannity shilling.
Only good man on fox news...of course they try and get rid of him
My pillow guy. Based and restpilled
Most normies dont know who the fuck we are, dont identify or know what "alt-right" is and/or tune out the fake outrage and outlandish claims. Fake news media has very little impact on the public anymore, the only thing they accomplish is echo-chamberism keeping their own base from falling away, but they aren't exanding.
never thought of it like this but boomers are too fucking retarded to follow tucker to a new platform
bill maher did the same shit but he's a lefty so nobody cares
because ilhan will rid government of the filthy infestation of jewish traitors
but what is a barrel shroud though
>The Left is calling on Fox News to fire Tucker.
QRD? What happened? I stopped watching Fox News when they started slurping zionist dicks harder than ever before. Tucker is alright though.
How confused would the left be if Tucker came out on his show as a Yang 2020 support, and started shilling Yang as hard as user?
>he did an interview before 2010 where it sounds like he is downplaying or excusing pedophilia
Isn't this exactly what got Milo de-personed?
>On his own show, Carlson has expressed concern about the wellbeing of underage girls who he says could be raped by Muslim immigrants. In 2017, he accused British Prime Minister Theresa May of “doing nothing to counter terrorism; stop radicalization; protect citizens from terrorism; or protect ‘thousands of underage girls’ from rape and abuse.”
oh no, how terrible, how can he ever be allowed to work again?
Doesn’t this cuck support israel? Fuck this shill and the drones watching him
nice try rabbi, we've seen your leaked talking points
What Tucker did was no where close to what Milo did. Did you even bother to listen to the clip? Tucker said it was bullshit that cultleaderman got a lengthy prison sentence for arranging a marriage between a 16 y/o girl and 27 y/o man.
This. Milo basically said its beneficial for homosexual boys to get banged by older homosexual men.
idiot. anybody on our side has to either accept no platform and having no influence, or learn to dance between raindrops and trickle truth the public. That's what Tucker's doing. There's a difference between shilling for Irael and realizing it's not viable to come out and say fuck Israel of you want to keep your platform, so instead he gently guides normalfags to the truth.
isn't 16 legal?
>If they bow down to the Left, we drop Fox News.
Oh no! 300 NEETs will stop watching Tucker from Youtube stream! That is totally more important than megacorp ad revenue!!!
That's the point actually
whats this called again? tortuous interference with business prospects?
Sorry don jr, but your dad sat on his hands while most of were purged from twitter multiple times. You had an army and you foolishly chose not to protect them. Now they’re back in their containment zone. Blackpilled.
Shlomo please. Stop shilling here like you would to a boomer normie.
>we drop Fox News.
as if i ever picked up that catholic neocon shitshow that does nothing but push war drugs and corporate economic rape.
t. boomer who doesn't know about Tucker
or shill
I can't tell between boomers and shills anymore sometimes
>And second, I’m not saying they’re bad at all, like I like Canadians. They like me. We have a mutual understanding. I’m just saying they’re sad. I’ve said this before. They’re like our stalker. They have pictures of us in their bedroom and we don’t even know they exist. They’re basically obsessed with the United States.
Honestly he's right. I had this classics prof who wouldn't shut the fuck up about Trump. He would blurt out random ass fucking comments about him in the middle of lecture, in every lecture except one.
nah, i'm a gen z and hated every talker on fox news too until i saw tucker on youtube compilations.
still hate neocon fox hosts and the company as a whole bc it's just jews controlling both sides of the media.
tucker is alright tho
Tucker looks like a pedophile
true, I can't watch any of the other ones, they seem so fake, and boring
>litteraly grown out woman on average by that age
Calls against 16 year old marriage as pedophilia are:
>anti Christian
>anti Mormon
>anti Hindu
>anti Buddhist
>anti Native American
>anti Aboriginal
>anti Native Peoples
>anti Bantu/Zulu/San/etc
It's legal in many states and 3/4 of countries.
So its anti-immigrant as well.
All these groups are traditionally accepting of this.
It was a Mormon elder arranging marriages. He wasn't a pimp tricking out girls, he was a religious crackpot doing what his people did for 100 years.
It wasn't like he was cutting off kids' genitals as a blood sacrifice.
Trump doesn't control social media you idiot
Tuck status:. Uncucked
For another 16-17 yo yes.
its easy to understand the right. if they are against degeneracy abortion gay marriage etc, they are conservatives who will subsequently want small government, higher wages and less middle/working class taxes.
if not, they are neocons who want war, big government, tax breaks and deregulation for big corporations and financial sector, lower wages/cheap labor and monopolistic capitalism.
fox has never cared about social issues other than token gestures, they are therefore neocons. and they are mostly catholic, murdoch being a member of a catholic secret society.
so please understand. catholics are not conservative, they are not christian, they are neocons. stop voting for catholics
Pretend i'm a dumb ass. For the benefit of the real dumbasses out there, what are you trying to get at here?
>tucker on youtube compilations.
you do realize its a very old media tactic to have complete morons on your show with premade and rehearsed talking points so the host can obliterate them and seem super awesome and smart, right? you realize that fox is paying those morons to come on his show and get destroyed right?