>1st week at politician university
>old hag teacher asked us each to talk about a thing we don't like about nowadays that ruin our country
>gets to me and i talk a bit about how i don't like the idea of casual sex and people who openly boast and talk about their sex lives
>because i strongly believe sex is supposed to and should be an act of utmost intimacy, something you'd keep private just between you and your lover
>girls in class just look at each other in some sort of disbelief then stare back at me menacingly as if i talked about child pornography or something
>teacher then tells me that casual sex is actually "normal and basic" thing that everyone does since it's like a daily need
I don't get it... Was I really wrong? Am I just not in touch with reality or something?
1st week at politician university
Just because something is "normal" doesnt mean that its right
>1st week at politician uni
>talk about one of the multiple things that ruin the country
>girls in class
>choose to talk about casual sex being being one of the biggest driving forces ruining the country
>kekistani flag
>never have or will get laid ever
>>political class
What did you expect in a “political” college? Political means showing off your groupthink virtue-signalling over your personal beliefs and morality. It is the easiest way for leftists to kill Western Christian values and reject individualism.
do you hate your country aswell
You are right. Stick with your guns, don't let your teacher tell you that degeneracy is okay. Also pandering to women doesn't work, don't try to appeal to women by changing your opinion. Sticking with what you believe works better in that regard too.
Leave Canada
True would have been safer to just rant about the Jews to be honest
stay the course user,
pay no mind to the fools..
You make your own reality and people fall into place behind you. Stand your ground, speak your mind and stop seeking validation