When did you realize that the majority of your Jow Forums obsession stemmed from a desire for conflict?

When did you realize that the majority of your Jow Forums obsession stemmed from a desire for conflict?
When did you realise that if Jow Forums suddenly ceased to exist, the world would be improved dramatically?
When did you realise that Jow Forums is psychologically identical to porn with respect to satisfying your combat/sexual desires?

When did you realize that you have outgrown the value of Jow Forums?
Hint: now

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Which white person positive thread hurt your feelings paco

make Jow Forums libertarian again

Great example of my post. I didn’t mention race, yet this user wanted to creat conflict that didn’t actually exist before their intervention.

When dreams die, nightmares begin.
Do whatever it takes to wake up.

>When did you realize that the majority of your Jow Forums obsession stemmed from a desire for conflict?
when i made Jow Forums
>When did you realise that if Jow Forums suddenly ceased to exist, the world would be improved dramatically?
improved dramatically by triggering the collapse yeah, and that was pretty much the whole point in creating Jow Forums
>When did you realise that Jow Forums is psychologically identical to porn with respect to satisfying your combat/sexual desires?
when i created Jow Forums to do just that?
>When did you realize that you have outgrown the value of Jow Forums?
you mean Jow Forums has outgrown the value of me and doesn't need me anymore? seems like it may be, but that would only be because the happening is just around the corner, and the fight will move to the meatspace

Bass and retardpilled

don't forget: you're here forever

I’ve already been here for more forever than most are are able to conceptualize.

Regardless, you are misusing the meme.

>When did you realize that the majority of your Jow Forums obsession stemmed from a desire for conflict?
Conflict is good. This place serves a great purpose.