China got it right

Now this is what you call female fucking empowerment , these women are being total badasses and looking feminine at the same time.

they are without doubt equal to their male counterparts and no one can claim otherwise cause it's clear to see.

not the tomboy, virtue singaling superhero liberal arts or whatever bullshit the west does to try to empower women.

Attached: 20091002_29.jpg (600x386, 84K)

With all the chink hate thread somehow I doubt any of these females would ever report being raped. My kind of environment

just ignore the fact that china is a totalitarian country and how retarded this whole thing is, essentially just circlejerking the dear leader

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Pretty cool desu

I really like your flag, something about it clicks.

and they all look the same

>looking feminine
Every shitty army thoughout history has had impressive specially designed parade regiments. Don't forget this.

... modern history

It's called a VPN

China Japan and Korea have always had female military units. The secret is not to mix sexes in units. There are units for women and units for men. It’s a bad idea to mix them. Someday you barbarians will learn.


Clo[spoiler]w[/spoiler]ne wars are coming.

Says the syrup nigger who thinks a bunch fags wearing bondage shit is a parade.

Attached: B90F5C9D-ADC5-42B4-B07B-17EE1021621C.jpg (433x320, 30K)

How many are actually fuckable?

Those are glorified models, they exist only to advertise.

>they are without doubt equal to their male counterparts
you almost had it. you could've cashed in but you kept playing.

>no one can claim otherwise cause it's clear to see.
But then i fixed it with this , my point being that western women have to scream loud and act up in an effort to seem equal.
while the chinese women just prove it clear as day.
there was also the medical female unit , they are just as good and they are doctors for god's sake.

Good luck finding a mauritanian proxy.

We treat you ugly fuckers like the tax/sex slaves you are
I fucked a greasy Konger in the ass 2 months ago

Do they have machine guns in thier jibblies?

You don't get it. These are parade regiments that exist to to look good, these aren't random infantry regiments. The Brits/Russians/Americans don't have this garbage and it's one reason why we always win.

Attached: 1544587509522.jpg (1269x677, 171K)


Attached: xena scream.jpg (600x396, 17K)

It's like the rockettes got a draft notice...

It's a happy cyclops

>we always win
Source? What did you won? You lost and gave money to Arabs and Israelis to make money, while your governments go into debt and get mutted by cheap labor.

Well this thread is more about admiring the women , parade regiment or not , these women are fantastic.

We're literally undefeated

Attached: 54665.jpg (1000x1506, 111K)

Nice jacksfilms refrence ?

Women don't belong on the frontline

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Attached: Justin Trudeau clothing bingo roll.jpg (905x986, 858K)

i got banned for this tho

Gookies are fucking dumb too. I knew a friend that told me that they use the morning after pill like it's going out of style.

Their women are brainless insects, which is also why they workship white cock.

Attached: what-a-beautiful-fucking-day-look-at-that-fucking-flower-21478048.png (500x534, 352K)

>cheap labor
Your doctors make $1,500 CAD per month. Our minimum wage is $2,200 CAD per month. Janitors make $3,000 CAD per month. Police officers with 3 years experience make $7,000 CAD per month. Soldiers with 3 years experience make $5,000 CAD per month.

Attached: Screenshot_12.jpg (339x287, 16K)

Attached: 1540525604215.jpg (466x700, 116K)

You also 10 times more for housing and medication and food...etc.

>literally undefeated
>until they defeated themselves
Canada's story is one of sorrow.

why are chinesse soldiers using british and US weapons?


>these women are being total badasses

Attached: 1527942798575.jpg (968x7648, 1.45M)

As someone who works with Chinese people often I can guarantee you that their entire army is extremely incompetent.

There's just something about their culture man.

wtf. you can't do stuff like that. Poland is in debt to the US and Soviet Union for being allowed to build f-16s and t-80s. and we can't even build as many as we want, and all training has to be done in Russia and US, and if they dont have spots for us, then no training that year for our soldiers. I mean everyone would just build the best planes and best tanks, if they could just buy one and copy it. Why are they allowed to do such stuff. US should take them to court. we had to pay them milions of dollars for small changes to the f-16, because we don't have hangars like americans do and we have to protect the planes from rodens.

>they are without doubt equal to their male counterparts
Parading doesn't prove anything though. Show me those women going through the same training and performing the same.

Based china, all is fair in love and war.

>they are without doubt equal to their male counterparts and no one can claim otherwise cause it's clear to see.

I kinda see the opposite

>they are without doubt equal to their male counterparts and no one can claim otherwise cause it's clear to see.

Attached: 1535539909560.png (331x132, 40K)

Your country is occupied.
The Chinese rule with an iron fist
*BANG BANG BANG* at your door. Shaking, you open it slowly.
The yellow female stands straight.
She demands to inspect your house
"Are you harbouring any white females?" Her eyes are piercing, the tone of her voice stoic and authoritative .
"Yes! They're under the floorboards!"
You're supposed to be protecting them, but the yellow woman has excited you so. You can't lie to her. You dedicate yourself to the yellow woman.
A troop of yellow women burst into your house. The pathetic white women are retrieved from under the floorboards. They are lined up along the front wall of your house outside. The sun shines. The grass is so green, the sky so blue, the uniforms of the yellow women so red; the only greyness comes from the pathetic lumps of flesh cowering before the wall.
You peer through the blinds as the yellow women load their rifles. A pang of shame hits you as you feel your penis press hard against the radiator beneath the window.
The grey clumps fall to the floor, leaking red. Tears in your eyes, but you're not sad.
The efficiency, the sternness, the beauty of the yellow woman has dazed you.
The lead female reenters your home and with the same emotionless voice tells you to expect a reward for your cooperation. You timidly whisper "thank you", bow your head, and she leaves.

Attached: 45865106_374449113301019_6930132744116196395_n.jpg (1080x1350, 1.65M)

i am not refrencing thier combat capabilities , i am talking purely in the context of the parade, it's clear these women put in alot of effort and that's comendable. especially the doctors.
and as this slovakanon pointed out , the best shot of the parade belonged to women but the whole thing in general is so good that it's hard to see any differences

> Show me those women going through the same training and performing the same.
They don't need to preform "equal to men" to be equal. The point of true equality is that everyone do the work they were assigned to do and don't trying to do things they can't do.

Like the communists say ''From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs''.

Is this an improv ? i can't find it, do you just keep these copypastas somewhere waiting for the right thread.

I made it up. I'm a good writer. A great writer, really. The best, perhaps.

告别央视 + 这个时代的一些真话 南三环 中国 + 网民 + 自由
十八摸 直升机 青天白日旗 卡西酮 中国梦 + 宪政梦 民有疑 + 你编
瘾 + 禁播 袁利亚 春暖花开 周子瑜 大大习 民有钱 + 你贪
股票 + 跳楼 黄曲霉素 献花 新闻联播 反对 + 冬奥会 民有话 + 你删
全能神 审美与人的自由 血债帮 陈维明 戴建勇 提头来见 民有冤 + 你关
老老虎 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展 读懂中国 民有事 + 你推 访民 + 美国
安邦 封闭车窗 剿匪不力 薄熙来 中国 + 最穷国家 民有女 + 你奸
习梦撕 安徽女子 鲍朴 膀胱癌 + 301医院 民有房 + 你拆 民有难 + 你演
天降伟人 当知项欠 政府比房产商黑 丁子霖 三峡 + 四川地震 三个至上
呆婊 夜色论坛 坏事变好事 心腹 + 王小洪 2号专案组 情色小说
终身 Facebook + 办事处 色图 皮帽子 女权五姐妹 低端人口

>he thinks this does anything

is this refrencing a movie or something ?

>posting nonsense Chinese characters is based


I agree that the Western women shouldn't be in the field; support units - fine, combat - no.

Now, as far as your claim about Chinese equality .... I also agree. But, this is only because the vast majority of Chinese males barely tip the scales at 45 kg. That is, they are essentially female and even our nagging, screeching, useless female soldiers could kick their asses.

I don't get it either why they post this stuff ... do these people seriously believe there'll be a revolution in China when they post this here?
CIA glow in the dark niggers are getting dumber every day.

Hey why is there so few Chinese on Jow Forums? Are there actually a lot but under proxies?

No they couldn't. Retard.

it's just an internet meme you dimwits , don't overanalyze it.
you do realize weight isn't everything when it comes to strength most skinny men can easily kick pic related's ass.

Attached: 7bb4c22c551b70a20f69d217e00332be--game-of-thrones-brienne-brienne-of-tarth.jpg (500x750, 84K)

No, that's not the meaning. It means doing the work that you've been assigned to do according to your objectively evaluated abilities, not try doing something else that only you in your head believe you could do better.
Women after all believe they can do anything just as good or even better than men and that their wisdom is endless and would bring eternal peace thanks to their pussy to the whole world.

>women are being total badasses and looking feminine at the same time.
>they are without doubt equal to their male counterparts and no one can claim otherwise cause it's clear to see.

With the way they depict sword fighting in this show, I could easily kick any one of their asses. I would be the greatest fucking sword master in Westeros since they are all so bad.
t. HEMA faggot

I'm not overanalysing it at all, I'm just curious what the person posting this (and I've seen this here now for months being posted) truly believes he/she is doing/achieving with this.
Chances that someone who can read Chinese on this board are very slim anyways.

They could literally zerg rush any country and win.

Attached: 1552032613939.gif (250x187, 1.98M)

>China got it right

Attached: 1539761155012.png (842x792, 82K)

you do know that memes are meant for laughs and being silly, yes most people can't read chinese , but seeing chinese characters alongside tiananmen square and free tibet is supposed to be hilarious.

Well, it didn't work very well in Korean war for example.

fuck you french faggot, this is superior to your ecoles interarmes , as someone who went through francophone inspired military training , i can you guys really fucked us over.

Yeah, I didn't know that. Thx! I actually believed it's some guy in the US who for some reason day and night only sits there hating on China, lol :D

it looks sexualized

Attached: images - 2019-03-11T180022.805.jpg (743x413, 44K)

None of these troops will actually do any fighting.
They are just for show.

>the true point of equality is that no one is equal

Attached: 1534071369126.png (625x773, 110K)

It did they could have easily pushed past the 38th parallel. Considering they only had drums and spears vs now.

Attached: Korean_war_1950-1953.gif (227x400, 85K)


Don't be jealous pajeet just because there's literally no way of making your women sexy

I'll take a dozen of those for my private army.


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>It did they could have easily pushed past the 38th parallel.
Why didn't they? They outnumbered burgers all the way but were still stopped. Also lost 400k zergs by burger accounts.

Good for them if they never need to. We should all strive towards this.

You forgot heterosexual male.
His biggest act of all.

i hate poos as much as you do but priyanka chopra would like to disagree.

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I parodied the floorboards scene from Inglorious Basterds, a bit.

You are not accounting for how expensive this shit is in Canada.

To be honest, when I was at the peace museum in Seoul I wondered the same thing. I believe it's because Douglas MacArthur was planning on using field-based tactical nukes.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Can't blame them for copying America's drones.
Israel sells them America's tech and they use it.
Nothing wrong with that.

>I made it up. I'm a good writer. A great writer, really. The best, perhaps

i was asking in reference to this response , the structure kind of reminds of a film quote.

>those brows
>that nose
>those lips
>that armpit flab
Even for a top tier pajeetess with makeup and professional lighting, she's barely a 6/10

imagine being this much of a fag
pic related more like your taste then?

Attached: Karisma-Kapoor-JADE-beauty-look.jpg (1100x730, 71K)

Poland doesn't build F16.
It imports them.
And the T80 is a shitty tank.

I'd poo all over her!

Hahahahaha no. Just stop.

Karishma is pretty much white, dude.. That's cheating.

What's wrong with you, Nigel..

He's very good in all roles except the last two

None of this shit matters.
Since these women are just for fucking show.

You forgot blind crippled athlete

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