

Attached: TULSI is redpilled.png (960x480, 585K)

Tulsi is strong on Israel, which is why kikes are spamming both Trump and Yang.

Attached: yang tulsi 2b.jpg (877x165, 27K)

Attached: Tulsi calls out neocons and neolibs.png (498x278, 30K)

Attached: tulsi redpill.jpg (2335x2503, 2.8M)

Fuck her.

Not topically wrong, but horribly short-sighted
>any nuclear capable state has every given up nuclear capability

This is fairy-tale tier. Being nuclear capable is literally their bargaining chip.

I'm lowkey team Tulsi, but I'm spamming yangang shit since it gets boomers off zion don's dick and hopefully out of Jow Forums

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Fuck Israel but also fuck not killing invaders and assailants.

Israel is illegitimate, but there they are. If I were them I would be killing opposition as well.

"Regime change war"

Yes, time to install Dictator 2.0

I am devoted to voting for Mommy.

Attached: Tulsi-Gabbard-3.jpg (2807x1585, 1.04M)