How distorted must your vision of reality be to believe this?


Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-11 at 12.42.50.png (1224x1064, 176K)

She's right btw, I also would like to see US being demolished


Attached: 505220.gif (295x250, 3.63M)


Breaking up Joogle, Fakebook and Mamazon would be a priority if burgers weren't stupid. They also should be investigated for their almost infinite list of crimes.

Why are we mocking this when the US (therefore the West) has a Zog puppet?

Yeah, what happened to Elon, Trump, and others? They all are trained to take your money and give you something little or nothing in return. Tesla is bullshit. They all are unwanted by alien civilization thats for sure.


> Make the entire planet Venezuela

I don't think a lot of people are aware just how many different industries are within the F500. It's like they're always going after software tech companies thinking that's all there is to pushing an economy.

>nationalize companies
>yaay socialist utopia
>run out of money because big governments with huge sums they took always blow it on dumb shit
> no more money
> country falls apart

Q predicted

Ban all women from voting, driving, and working in positions beyond the minimum wage. BOOM

Notice how Microsoft was left out. I wonder why.

It's almost as if a competitor naturally came about and dealt with it.

>What is capital flight?

I agree.
Acceleration up in this bitch.

Attached: 199.jpg (884x666, 128K)

When holy fuck capital just flew over my house?

Talking like a nigger
Oh right it’s the UK. More blackies than whities

Exactly. She does get it.

>use the money to end homelessness
this could actually work but the problem is how to run all the brand new ovens without using fossil fuel


8 richest people own as much as 50% of poorest people isn't capitalism as it's supposed to be, burger

Naked vibrating bodies generating combustionable levels of heat.

>fund science
aka endless NSF grants for male gaze studies by diverse neuroscientists

>governments know how to run businesses
Socialists never learn

>Muh science