Be US gov

>be US gov
>tolerate a blatant foreign agent to run for President

is this proof in itself that the USA is done for?

Attached: changwang.jpg (180x226, 7K)

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Did you mean to post trump?


literal fpbp

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is this the dude that delivered my fried rice yesterday ? Who is this

>Be from some shitty 3rd world shit hole
>Didn't have internet until 2010
>Still hasn't learned that our government has been infiltrated by foreign agents for over 5 decades
What's it like living off of beans, rice and hamsters? Does the malnutrition weaken your brain processes?

Also, why the fuck is this straight up lying? Obama literally approved a $33 billion dollar package. How is $550 the largest ever? Trump's a kike cock sucking faggot, but why post a cropped story that is blatantly false?

being Asian doesn't make you a foreign agent
that's like saying being white makes you a foreign agent workin for Europe


nice false dichotomy. there is a third option which involves us supporting neither

>thinking flags represent someone accurately
people travel retard

Oh, that's even worse. That means you had the resources to look it up, but are still stupid as fuck. You're not uneducated, you're straight up stupid. Sorry, it's something you'll struggle with all your life.


Trump is the foreigb agent. He has to hug the flag to prove he likes america

MIGA my dude

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this has more to do with Freemasons than it does Jews, fyi

Because its a leftwing shitbag playing 'da joos' to try and undermine trump support

Says a lot about the current status quo of Europe, no?

Hey leftypol

t. Incompetent US government propagandist

you know propaganda doesn't necessarily equal reality, right? I suggest you stop believing in your own silly lies so you can better plan for your future and perhaps prevent China from taking over. or just bury your head in the sand further, whichever really.


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>"take their guns first, ask questions later"

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What? did you say foreign agent?

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do you know who Leland Yee is?

It's not propaganda you stupid fuck. Like I said, I honestly don't believe you're on vacation. You're truly stupid. There is a difference between uneducated and unintelligent. You are both. You're too stupid to educate yourself and the fact that you didn't know the difference, or the fact you couldn't just fucking google it is what makes you both. Your mestizo ancestry really fucked you. Those jungle monkies were dumb as fuck and so are you.


>tolerate a blatant foreign agent to run for President
user I don't know what you're talking about. We don't have elections for like another 1.8 years.
Nobody is running yet because there's no fucking race yet. Also
>Implying this is the first time a foreign agent ran for President
What is Obama, Alex?