A terf Asked me for Proof that Terfs want men and trans ppl dead. Wanna give me that?

Kinda want to burn her at the stake after all.

Attached: Wumyn.jpg (742x960, 103K)

there is no such thing as trans people. if they are trans they are not people. Label "people" is self containing. It doesn't need adjectives. So with "trans" bullshit CIA lemon party gestapo deployed bioweapons - encounter of the third kind.
It's very hard to tell what is going on. You know anything is lie and truth at the same time. For example "flat earth" teory is just as valid as "round earth theory". Not only that each of the theories can be encompassing each other.

so what was your question again?

"The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race."
-- Very popular professor Sally Miller Gearhart (one of the "founders" of gender studies)

Feminists, Terfs and similar are just supremacy organizations which try to get power and money. As every extremist religion, they have gateway lies (e.g. we are just for equality, we are for men). No normal person would ever support feminists or terfs, if they started with the advanced parts of their philosophy.
Just an ideology by the hateful, to motivate the greedy to scam the stupid.

Just google the 'SCUM Manifesto'.

"Life" in this "society" being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of "society" being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and eliminate the male sex.

The male is a biological accident: the y(male) gene is an incomplete x(female) gene, that is, has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion.... To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.

To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo. It's often said that men use women. Use them for what? Surely not pleasure.


>rebecca cohen art
Trannies are a Jewish weapon against society

Pfft flat earth? It's obviously in the shape of your micropenis. Next you're gonna tell me that the moon exists.

Terfs are pretty based. They hate trannies and prostition and don't change their views by what's popular on the left at a given moment. Most of the left hates them because they don't allow themselves to be bullied by sjw cunts

kek, I wholeheartedly approve of this artist. man hating dykes get no sympathy, let them eat their own

Either you are an idiot or an Undercover-TERF trying to weaponize Jow Forums-autismo for your agenda. SAD!!

fun fact: Cohen is the ancient high priest bloodline so a Cohen is not only a big Jew, a Cohen is some kind of apex superjew
if a regular Jew is a reptile, a Cohen is an ancient red dragon lich

Sin must argue with sin? Sodomy, cross-dressing, adultery. Horrific and unnatural. It’s all garbage and they should make their own community in a landfill somewhere.

Ay thanks ^u^

>Man hating dykes vs psychotic SJW trannies
Let's hope they destroy each other.

Nice bait for discord trannies

>the enemy of my enemy
this game is like doom, you need to lure the monsters into hitting each other with their bright green jizz balls and stand back and wait


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Looks more like an inverted Venus power amulet to me user; and since it triggered you it seems to be working perfectly.

>Especially considered in context of entire ensemble.

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Ah yes. The flawless logic of 4-chan.

>Image looks like me? You're mad.

>The male is a biological accident: the y(male) gene is an incomplete x(female) gene, that is, has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion.... To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.

>More DNA good, Less DNA bad
Is this the single most pervasive meme in pseudo-biology?

More Chromosomes are always better

They don't even know that potatoes have more Chromosomes than humans. KEK

Futile. It's a sword and shield strategy. You can always provide examples of feminists who express that view openly (there's a plethora of them), and they can always dismiss them as mere examples even if they endorse that view themselves privately. The real indicator is the complete lack of effort to shun/get rid of those "extremist" elements of their movement, which she can just dismiss as conshpiraseeh theoruhhhhh (the imbecile's refuge).
The question now is why the fuck are you arguing with HER about what she obviously, believes, you should be convincing other people.
>wants trans people dead
Who cares? Not your battle.

It convinces the people around her that she's insane. It also shows the people around her the futility of radical feminism. A straight strike intended to distract from the flanks essentially.

Also my brother is trans and as such it is my battle.

You are on crack.

Your 'brother' will kill itself in a few years

Lmao sure. And I'm Trump.

I don't want you dead, I just won't give a shit if you join the 41%

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>It convinces the people around her that she's insane
She is
>shows the people around her the futility of radical feminism
It is, so is any level of feminism. It's a parasite meant to kill the host to replace it by something else (Muslims, blacks).
>Also my brother is trans
Your brother needs pimozide
The suicide rate is nearly 50%, coin flip odds. And most of them are fairly young so that % is likely to go up.

Anyways decent b8, 6/10 I replied twice and only saged once.

You know I was really hoping for those alt right death squads to take folks like you out.

They get really nervous and squirrely when you ask them how they expect to reduce the male population by 90% without a massive amount of violence. These idiots live in a world where they are legally protected from criticism and discrimination but they may discriminate and even attack any challengers to their ideology.

Take the physical fight to their Jewish Masters instead and watch these idiots lose their funding.

They found it cheaper in the long run to recruit us.

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Wtf is a terf?

Trans exclusionary radical feminist

Why would you argue in the first place? "Terfs" are wrong in almost every single regard, except when it comes to trannies. There they're spot on. No one really wants mentally ill men hanging around in their daughters changing room.

gender means the masculine or feminine of a language

This is true, but the man hatred thing comes from being liberal and having beta male orbiters hanging around them trying to get laid

Who cares, though?

Only reason they seem "right" on trannies is because the insanity feminists started has backfired and they are in damage control. Trannie men are dominating women's sports, and the privilege the "muh equality" feminists want is evaporating. It's glorious.

Trannies get more SJW brownie points too, making relics like feminists feel even more irrelevant in the "oppressed minority" game.

they don't, they just want the goddamn fetishists and cluster b psychos out of spaces meant for actual women. not to mention, trannies reinforce gender essentialism and turn being a woman into a stereotype, which is something feminists have been fighting against since forever. they believe it should okay for men to wear dresses and make up and still be men, and for women to wear pants, get buzzcuts and still be women.