post your favorite paid shill copypastas
i'll start
>she has a point you know
oh and >inb4 off-topic ur banned
it's meta stfu tranny janny
post your favorite paid shill copypastas
i'll start
>she has a point you know
oh and >inb4 off-topic ur banned
it's meta stfu tranny janny
>jew here lol AMA
>muslim here lol AMA
>fag here lol AMA
>gril here lol AMA
>what happens here pol lol
>be amerimuttfatt
>get shot
fresh and kosher just hit the catalogue
redpill me on the holocaust, again
>repeat the scripted talking points we gave you, again
>X here AMA
>[Literally Who tweet] Jow Forums eternally btfo
>is paying for sex morally wrong?
>he/she's right you know
>a new study says...
etc. etc.
This board is about 90% spam/flooding and all the jannies worry about is how much people say "s*o*y"