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Tax companies not individual people.


It's one thing to accept high taxes to fuel the military when there's a credible threat, aka another superpower actively building its own military.
It's another to wish that level of tax to be kept when said threat is dead.

Why not ?

Taxes should be implemented in a way so that they don't affect you directly. Most successful taxes are taxes you don't notice anyway. Companies aren't people so taxing them is the optimal solution and fair.

Tax on the rich was like 90 percent during the Cold War times. Why would it help if we did it again, tax the big corps who are Jewey aswell but good luck doing that.


I care very little about a wealth gap. who fucking cares if someone has more than me. if they're producing so much for the market (which is cooperative) I see no reason to interfere.

The effective tax rates never went above 40 you absolute fucktards.

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Taxing the rich isn’t necessary once you understand modern monetary theory. Back in the early half of 20th century, the currency was tied to the supply of gold. It was difficult for the government to fund and borrow money unlike today the government has the freedom to borrow as much as it pleases.

Ok...look what is happening in NY ...now go KYS.

Raising the tax rate just lowers tax revenues due to the fact that rich people will just leave or hide their wealth from taxes.

What wars do we need high taxes for right now?
>Inb4 endless wars for Israel

All these taxes are pointless if no one talks about closing tax breaks, deductibles, and loopholes.

Back in the day? Like when we were the only major economic powerhouse and the rich had nowhere else to go? Like before women and immigrants flooded the job market and took away all our negotiating power? Nah, I prefer when we didn't have any income tax and tariffs kept us well funded. Globalism fucked everything up.

I'm not.
I believe we should go back to the 90% top bracket, but for one reason only...to keep individuals from becoming so wealthy they can buy out governments, including our own.

I also think the Constitution should be altered to eliminate taxes on your primary residence, regardless of how magnificent those residences might be...the cutoff for this tax exemption should be 40 contiguous acres, and a special exemption should be made for farms, where 80% or more of the farmer's income is generated by farming.
Anything beyond this, multiple houses or revenue-generating properties, should be fair game for localities and states to tax. And this is only to stop the very wealthy from buying up all the property as tax-deferred investments.

You see, I don't care if a person becomes exceedingly rich, enough to live a wealthy life, and live in a gold-plated Taj-Mahal, if they feel like it...but when they start getting so wealthy that they try to own nations and people, they need a smack-down.

And I'm a VERY conservative person, I believe in complete freedom of speech, the right to keep and bear any goddam weapon you want without government "permission," and pretty much the entire Bill of Rights.
I also believe punishments for crime should be standardized, mandatory, and vindictive.
And I believe all forms of welfare should be eliminated.

Jow Forums should vote for me, for president, as I'd immediately declare a national emergency and use dictatorial powers to force this society back to where it needs to be, to be wholesome, truthful, above-board, and 80% to 90% white.

Seig heil.

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Trump and Bannon wanted to raise the tax rat on the the ultra wealthy, even more when authoring the tax bill passed by Republicans...it was both sides of elites that did not want to get on board.

This is not a left or right issue....it is American citizen vs. elitist issue.

There were loopholes the rich used back then that they use now, they never paid that much in taxes. Only delusional idiots believe that.

Noone payed 70/80/90+ percent back then. It was actually more insanely corrupt back then. If you believe that corps actually payed that you are naive

Are individuals making billions to hundreds of billions every year or is it companies?

Yeah, it's ridiculous so many talk about those high tax rates, but don't know the actual facts


Plenty of others articles like this one too.

The rich will shelter their money from the taxman.

So to boost revenue the government will go after the middle class. those who can't afford fancy lawyers and accountants.

Instead of cutting spending especially corrupt officials and the free shit army.

If you eliminated usury, and had the Treasury originate money directly by getting rid of the Fed, you wouldn't need federal taxes at all.

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Billionaires don’t pay income tax.

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Boots are tasty and shiny uWu

clog up the government with meaningless debate. over a tax on the people who have the means to avoid it in the first place.
youre a fucking spastic.

Income tax is theft. Why doesn't that diagram go back and show the 0% income tax rates prior to 1913?