German army to eradicate political right-wing opionion

>the absolute state of german army

>More soldiers have been removed from the German military for right-wing extremism than previously disclosed, it has been reported. The agency responsible for investigating extremism in the Bundeswehr armed forces admitted it had underreported the figure to the German parliament by only revealing the number of “clearly recognised right-wing extremists”, according to Der Spiegel

>The figure is believed to be significantly higher with the inclusion of suspected cases. The Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) previously reported that just four soldiers in 2018 and six in 2017 were removed from the military for right-wing extremism.
However, a MAD official said those figures “came up short” against the full number of far-right soldiers who were removed.

>Tge far-right politicians winning power across Europe: Viktor Orban – Hungary, Fidesz, Matteo Salvini – Italy, Lega Heinz Christian Strache – Austria, FPO, Marine Le Pen – France, Front National

>The official told Der Spiegel the agency had uncovered 10 more “suspected extremists” each year. MAD is currently investigating around 450 suspected cases of right-wing extremism in the military, according to news agency DPA, including 64 cases related to the white nationalist identitarian movement and 64 cases for possible far-right Reichsbürger members.


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Jesus fucking christ Germany, what happened to your national mentality? It's just a void at this point.

>let in all of Africa and the Middle East
>surprised when your army doesn’t like watching your country get invaded
Good job

And the rabbit hole grows even deeper


They're going to unironically start hiring shitskins as soldiers. Clown World.

get it together germany. we only liked you because you were nazis and had pretty buildings.

This is what happens to a nation that looses a war and pisses Jews off


>Marine Le Pen
>Far Right

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In the moderate(!) mainstream (mostly leftist of course) terminology that's exactly what she is. That's how the world is in the current year. "Far right" is a smear word empty of meaningful content. Anyone who opposes status quo / the establishment is almost automatically "far right".

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got it out of her vagina

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Holy fuck.
Muh "Eu Army", eh?
Fucking hell, on paper it doesn't look good on Germany..

friendly reminder that in Germany, Merkel is the right wing candidate. It's commonly mistaken that Merkel is some lefty globohomo, but she represents the right wing in her country. Essentially anything right of Merkel is seen as extremist. Anything from thinking gays shouldn't be celebrated in culture, to being against non-German immigration, to having an actual religious belief besides Islam, is cause for being called far right or a right wing extremist. CDU politicians from the 80s would be called far-right today. CDU from the 50s would be unironically labeled fascists. Hell, Marxist-Leninist East Germany would probably be called nazis by today's standards. And actual nazis are pretty much worse than Satan.

Remebering the old.. Gassy's way?
Fucking hell..
I mean, how is it going on there?

Is fine
>most of them are Vodkagerman anyway

What does that mean?

That's pretty fucked up.
>Thought police

Germany is completely fucked. We laugh and joke about the fact that it will become a caliphate but it is really happening. Angela Merkel is preparing the Germans to face the change silencing the dissidents. Honestly I'm afraid, I'm afraid that Italy will become like Israel, surrounded by islamic countries and committed to defend its citizens from terrorists

slav cannon fodder

Fuck, if only.

What does far-right mean in Germany? Having Nazi-era military medals or historical military items?

At lest the Alps make for a really good wall.

Anything right of CSU/CDU

We are better because our politicians make edgy tweets every day lol dude weed lmao


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Cops are already infiltrated by legit arab criminals

No, fortunately Italians have shown not to be fooled by the moral blackmail of racism. This is what will save them, not the politicians

This... But you you assholes get lazy sometimes and really need the German cause.
> Those autistic tree niggers have great execution

>getting the toughest people for your army is a bad thing
Maybe we start winning wars now :^)

this. Ben Shapiro and Breitbart are both considered far right despite support for Israel and near silence on mass immigration and demographic change

Kill all German leadership and their families.

Creating an army of unemployed army veterans, what could possibly go wrong?

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Another great example of why the EU will fail. They’re too controlling and constantly go full retard.

By the way if you interested I have a quiet eye opening book for you
Maybe it will make it easier for you to stop sucking cock and believing the lies of faggot generals who L O S T the war

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Or, you know.... I could use simple observation to know that's objectively incorrect

>Fucking filthy pipe stem

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>most of them are Vodkagerman anyway

The Russlanddeutsche are much tougher than the alteingesessene-Deutsche there.
I served in the army and saw how weak the 18 yo Germans are compared to them.

>simple observation
cope harder mutt
Franz Halder shold've been shot in Nürnberg for his faggotry and not put in charge of your historical devision
come on its only 20$ on Amazon you're probably able to afford it

How proud are Germans today? I see all kinds of sad shit, think the Fatherland will ever come back to it's senses? My hope is somehow you do and you finally remove every bad element from German society then get back to doing what you're supposed to, being a good example to Europe and the West, i.e sucessful and degeneracy free.