>wignat spergs who think everyone is a shill or a fed will openly and loudly denounce him
>wagie debt slaves who were too stupid to get a STEM degree or work a trade hate him because UBI will give people what they earn in a week daily
>MIGApedes obviously hate him because they unironically want to keep up the aid and wars for Israel
>boomers actually believe guns wouldn't get taken away (albeit slower) from the GOP regardless (bumpstocks)
>brainlets think UBI is socialism or that America in its current state is worth saving
>don't even have to risk getting ostracized by your family or at your job for supporting him
This is the preferable perfect timeline. Get that bag and start living a simpler life. Ride the Tiger (or dragon).
people who think this is feasible, no way in hell this would ever happen
>the user who gets it
>the boomer who doesn't
>s-stop thinking in pragmatic ways you're a discord tranny!!
just like your perceived gender
>voting for an Obama stooge
Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
What is his plan for military benefits? Is he really planning on just screwing over disabled vets? What about BAH? Does that count?
>They can choose either/or
They barely get more than that, which means they would have been better off never joining and not getting that disability. They joined without knowing that would be a choice and the same goes for the active duty soldiers now. Will they get a free chance to quit the military no matter where they were in the world because the US has changed? It's the same thing he preached about with truckers so he's not solving the problem, he's shifting it onto our nations troops. If his plan is to fuck over soldiers than fuck him, he won't get anywhere..