Why did Hitler end up as a complete loser...

Why did Hitler end up as a complete loser? And why did no one try to achieve what he couldn't instead of sucking Jewish circumcised dicks?

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>a complete loser
>one of the most influential, infamous, and known humans in all of human history
What are you doing with your life, OP?

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Whose failure resulted in destruction of Germany which now needs to repent and destroy its culture for greater good. And also strengthening of jewish lobby which now controls more of West than before Hitler and helps in destroying it like Germany. And it's getting worse. So shove that influential shit up your fat cretin ass.

apparently that's what the US, UK and France wanted. ER STRAFE ES!

driven mad by his delusions
honestly for Hitler (in which he served) it all goes back to ww1, he bought the lie that Germany was stabbed in the back and never lost the first war fairly. [Which is very wrong, the war was being lost and german troops were deserting in mass].
He was a delusion leader from the start and his early successes only fed his delusion.
He also started a great brother war and ended Europa hegemony over the world forever

Hitler is rolling in his grave over our great success

nah, he would be proud of your pogrom on the Palestinians and your racial tyranny and your Lebensraum expansion in Palestine.
Your policies are basically Hitlers but you are too jew to see where that future leads.

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Hitler may have died and lost the war but his ideology still lives on.

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>Complete loser
Literally stopped our extermination and created an indelible example for all who grow tired of the Anglostain "world system" and the Fake Church with its Slaver Kikes. Gernany "needs" to do nothing, and every day the Rothschild control over this "European Union" faces more opposition. It's hardly our fault the rest of the white race are slave-brained cuckolds. They are catching up, and your own pathetic propaganda has made sure that Hitler's arguments reach more people than ever. Kiss your family while they're not yet my lampshades, bitch.

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