Soon you will have nowhere to hide, little goyim.
Soon you will have nowhere to hide, little goyim
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from what?
last time i checked AI proved to be very much based, when it came to every single aspect of liberal sjw delusion, i for one welcome our AI overlords
>Soon you will have nowhere to hide, little goyim.
Then we will gas you in the broad light.
Whose timeline do you think you're on Rabbi?
This has been the plan all along.
> tfw hardware convergence
No one is going to be gas'd.
Calm down.
The jews have their role in what is to come.
Everyone does
kek. he thinks we hidin'.
we're not slimy jews like u. enjoy your crap tech which will not work when all lights go out though lol
>Humanity gives AI control of the world to prevent future conflicts since human labor is no longer necessary.
>AI deems Jews and shitskins a danger to the perseverance of mankind. AI purges them and we live in a utopia until the end of time
It's cool that Nvidia got this huge burst of success from selling GPU's for crypto mining. Based bros who sold me my childhood gaming PC video cards moving up in the world, I'm happy for them