What the fuck went wrong?

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Jefforson hated the press you dumb nigger

jefferson would have massacred cnn without question

Prove it

When the media oppresses truth it is no longer a fucking free press.



1) A group of media corporations that use free press to make money =/= the right for every American to freely distribute news
2) Technology has been changing the medium and speech patterns of how the average person communicates. Trump's capitalization text over Twitter is an easier way to get a direct message to the entire country than to have to be filtered through a series of media corporations that openly distort everything he says.

>he thinks corporate media is the free press

Digits of truth.

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Press literally slandered Jefferson all the time

>Trump’s theme has been more reminiscent of Thomas Jefferson, who wrote in an 1806 letter to a Massachusetts congressman: “As for what is not true you will always find abundance in the newspapers.” A more eloquent version of “fake news.”

>modern press
>free press
Its all kike owned, you kike.

>Free = free to lie
I don't think so.

btfo, very nice

Jefferson is talking about free press, which isn't relevant to Trump because they're not free press.

Jefferson paid off porn stars he had paid to fuck and all his fans pretended not to care.

Jefferson chilled at the Super Bowl watching it next to someone who participates in the trafficking of children for sex- to the demand of top politicians and businessmen. But his fans didn't care because it wasn't about his opposition.

"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." Also Jefferson

>What went wrong?
OP’s parents ask the same question often about their cum guzzling son

>1) A group of media corporations that use free press to make money =/= the right for every American to freely distribute news
It's absolutely amazing how many people don't even know this.

there's a difference between writing something in a letter and POTUS saying it publically


Also Jefferson never even saidd that shit. Surely Jefferson supported the idea of free press but the press constantly lied and slandered him so he was no friend of the actual press. Regardless that was when only white men could vote instead of any monkey with a room temp iq

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The Federal Reserve is the press

Difference was Trump isn't an autistic genius and more of a savy demogogue. Jefferson could barely speak in front of a room full of people let alone bash the press in front of record crowds daily.

Jefferson couldn't get elected today because it's lowest comm9n denominator and women and vermin are allowed to vote


Jefferson fucked your ancestor and owned them too

it's funny how they call trump a tyrant for poiting out the press is a bunch of liars, when their favorite historical hero presidents were actual tyrants and literally shut down papers

Abraham Lincoln

Those men were brutal. Trump is a liddle widdle pussycat compared to them. A cute, impotent ball of fluff.

By the way I hate Drumpf he's a kike puppet and I hope he loses 2020, but even I recognise he is the furthest thing from a tyrant as far as US presidents go. Is he the least powerful president in US history? He has no control over any agency, any department of the executive branch, not even of his white house, not even his inner circle /family - Javanka go around running circles around poor old Donnie. He has no sway over Congress, not even with his own party who either openly rebuke him or pay lip service to his agenda but still frustrate it. Also no sway over Congress means practically no control over appointments, he's had to appoint THEIR GUYS in every fucking department. He is scrutinized like a hawk and savaged in the media every sinbgle fucking day - without him even doing anything remotely tyrant-y. He doesn't even dare to try anything tyranty. Even when he tries to enact a policy executively, liek literally no one even listens to the order, they all ignore it. Tries to declare emergency and appropriate funds for the wall - everyone ignores it. He tries to leave Syria - everyone pretends like he didn't even say it or he doesn't even exist. He can't even visit Russia or invite Putin for official bilateral talks, he has to sneak 5 minutes with him here and there at big global events....

No, it’s a distinction without a difference you dumb commie.

>When the media oppresses truth it is no longer a fucking free press.
That's precisely when it's free. No hold barred, no limits, etc.
The idea of the free press (which was promoted by itself) was always rubbish. Anyone ever talking about freedom is always in fact talking about power. The press now has great power, hence its freedom.

Lol. I wish. But my family hadn't immigrated from northern europe yet