Why did capitalism fail to protect America's borders and demographics?

This is a serious question. All these "capitalism" vs. "socialism" debates seem to miss the point that the American capitalist system is slowly committing suicide by flooding the country with third-worlders who are not as capable of maintaining advanced systems of any sort. Why did capitalism allow this to happen? People make fun of Cuba, but Cuba actually DEPORTS Haitians who sail in on rafts - they don't give them "amnesty," let them vote in local elections, etc. But the capitalist US system DOES.

What's up with that? Are capitalists long-term stupid?

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just embrace captalism bro

Fucking kikes

But why would capitalism empower them to begin with?

Cuba didn't create the conditions in Haiti that forces people to migrate.

Capitalism requites indefinite growth (debt) to function, otherwise it collapses in on itself. Traditions, culture, race etc. doesn't matter if it's not profitable (aiding the machine, so to speak). Growth must be maintained forever and ever and ever, even at the cost of demographic replacement -- or so the capitalists/globalists believe.

Capitalism isn't a form of government though, none of those decisions were made by business owners, but politicians.

Capitalism requires constant growth, you need more and more people with money to buy shit, even if they're shit tier immigrants who receive gibs, it's money for them to spend in the market and keep the cycle going.

>Why does a market economy not prioritize the ethnic makeup of its state over all else
I'm not sure what you mean by capitalism, could you provide a definition?

Politicians aren't economists, nor are they military generals. They listen to the people paid to do those jobs.

Big business dictates to politicians, why do you think major companies are calling for diversity, equality and other shit? it's to get more people to buy their shit, it doesn't matter if they're women, trannies, browns ect, to them they're all potential customers or workers who they can extract profits from.

Modern capitalism requires constant population growth otherwise the whole thing collapses

Whites stopped breeding at replacement level with the advent of birth control

This necessitates importing breeders

Super simple stuff faggot

You answered your own question.

This is because our system enabled and allowed narcissistic psychopaths to become the wealthy elite. The elite we have today care only about staying the elite. They don't care about the country. They care about cheap labor and keeping the masses disorganized. They don't care about anything else. The elite we have are evil and need to be brought down.

>capitalism bad
If you are such a poorfag you havecto live in the same neighborhood with niggers maybe the white race will benefit from you going extinct

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If the elites were as evil as you say you would be sitting in a gulag right now not infront of a computer in a cosy apartment

Financial dynasties, not constant growth is the failing. It's all around you but everyone refuses to see it in his or herself. The big picture is unfettered investment in slave labor overseas, irrationally low taxation on investment income and financial warfare between the U.S. and China. Companies don't want to get involved. The government won't get involved enough.

The micro economic formula is pure nepotism fighting it out with social engineering programs.

Both parties are in lockdown mode defending the worst behavior and never the best. Dems defend social engineering but not if it hurts their 401k's. Pubs deregulate, defer taxes on money sent overseas and do nothing but bully Mexicans when it's the H-1b VISAs that undermine job growth.

...and kids keep going into chronic debt for substandard schooling that won't ever get them jobs.

Our “system” was created by psychopaths and sociopaths.

The game was rigged from the start.

You should not bother with things you don’t understand, that’s how you end up with things like communism.

that onions face

>Why did capitalism fail
Because it went global.
Global capitalism is a contradiction.
This can be easily seen by considering the state itself as a product.
There are many, many possibilities for how to implement a state, and there is no reason to assume that they are equal.
The question then becomes what is the most optimal method of designing and updating a state.
Globalism is literally the application of central planning to this problem, and it fails for exactly the same reason central planning fails anywhere else.
The most fundamental market is the market of states, since all other economic activity takes place within a context defined by a state.

Globalism is to society what communism is to economics. If your society is everyone's society, then any investment in maintaining your society becomes a dysgenic act, as others who don't make this sacrifice can instead invest their resources into outcompeting you within the society you maintain for them.

We can also consider political representation as a resource. The suppliers are states, the consumers are people. As a single entity can only faithfully represent a single position, supply is limited by the number of independent states. As similar people can more easily compromise on issues, demand is limited by the homogeneity of the people. Globalism moves the market of states toward a monopoly, reducing the supply of political representation. This causes increased competition on the demand side for the benefit of the supply side, which is why the establishment is always in favour of globalism. However as the demand side is the people, increased demand side competition undermines homogeneity, which further drives up demand, creating a positive feedback loop and a race to the bottom.

Among their greatest memes is the conflation between
>Unity -> unifying people -> reducing demand
>(((Unity))) -> unifying states -> reducing supply

United we stand
(((United))) we fall

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Capitalism won't miss white people. They will train their brown slaves to serve them well after we are gone. See, the world will never achieve Greatness without white people, but they don't need that, they just need profit, and they're willing to turn the whole world into a cesspool to make it. Jewish capitalism headed by Trump is our DESTRUCTION. Carve out a NatSoc cell in your area.

It wasn't capitalism's fault, it was the people who decided to let the country get overrun by citizens of social shitholes that don't know work ethic.

Literally the entire world will benefit from Jews going extinct. How does it feel to know 99% of humans on earth hate your guts?

>job market isnt the same it was in the 40's
>humanity is doomed
So what, in the 40's it wasnt like it was in the 20's. We as people are standing in place. We advance forward. Everything is newer bigger and better. In the second half of the last centuary we got to international scales of trade. Thats good.
Think of it like star trek. We cant reach the stzrs before we are all unite and work together on earth

>40 000 incels on 4chin are 99% of humanity
Even the president of the strongest country on earth loves us. Even so called nazis love us, without jews there would be no curb your ethusiasm.

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>Why did capitalism fail to protect America's borders and demographics

Because (((apple))) and (((google))) and (((facebook))) and (((walmart))) and (((bestbuy))) need niggers and spics to shop there.

Why? Because it's been proven multiple times that lower IQ peoples spend more money on frivolities. Whites, Asians, and other Jews spend less money on whatever the hell is trending now, so (((business))) needs retard-IQ brown hordes to keep product flying off the shelves.

They know the greatest work ethic. Doing the job we give them without winning like a little girl.

Many WERE made by business owners via their puppet politicians. Don't be naive.

Who cares about Capitalism?

Apac nigga

You just said something stupid but i feel emberssed for you.
Selling shoes at wallmart isnt exactly the most profitable branch of capitalism
Whites in western developed countries are the best coustumers because they have the money to spend.
A nigger wont buy avocados for 130€ a kilo. He is happy with his big macs

The communist and national socialist/fascist systems are based on a recognition that resources are finite.

These systems attempt to distribute resources so everyone gets a cut. In communism this is FULL EQUALITY, in natsoc you have inequality but no one is allowed to starve as long as they're part of the nation.

Communism produces specific amounts of food, industrial goods, housing etc. The result of this is that communism cannot function if population growth outstrips the state's ability to provide for the population. Thus most communist states- the USSR, China, Cuba- have historically pushed birth control to reduce their population growth.

China began pushing one-child in the 1970s, while the USSR began pushing birth control in the 1950s. If the USSR had done so in the 1970s like the PRC there would be something like 200 million more people living in the ex-USSR than there are today (keep in mind their birthrates collapsed with the fall of the USSR as well).

National Socialism/Fascism can either be "sustainable" or "expansionist", as seen from Germany's push to increase the birthrate in order to provide people to settle their colonies in eastern europe once the germans conquered those regions. Likewise Italy and Japan did the same in Africa and China. Meanwhile other fascists like Hungary did not promote too many births because being a small country they did not benefit from it.

Capitalism does not have a straight "WE PUNISH U" if you have too many or too few. Sometimes you get welfare for having kids, or tax credits, sometimes you don't.

Apartheid South Africa collapsed because while the government wanted to maintain a white nation by keeping the blacks in their reservations, the government ALSO wanted to make lots of money off of cheap black laborers down in the mines. So eventually they said "fuck it" and gave up the dream of a white nation in Africa for the sake of money.

Capitalism focuses on money, commies and nazis on people.

Perhaps putting it another way- communism and national socialism can be cruel but have a human face. Communism loves the workers, national socialism loves the nation. Both are capable of totalitarianism and massacres, but both can also have a human face. The ultimate goal of both systems is the prosperity of their chosen group.

Capitalism is faceless, it lacks any kind of truly human nature. People are just cogs in the machine and the ultimate goal of capitalism is more or less to abolish itself since it seeks to automate all labor- which would result in people being unable to actually buy the products that result from capitalism- causing the system to destroy itself in a violent revolution.

>A nigger wont buy avocados for 130€ a kilo. He is happy with his big macs

OK kike, let's see

McDonald's Corp Market Cap: 138.58B for March 11, 2019
Calavo Growers market cap as of March 08, 2019 is $1.46B.

I thought you kikes were supposed to be good with numbers

Because money doesn't care about people or nations, only increasing money.

>Whites in western developed countries are the best consumers
Not if you tax them and redistribute the money to non-whites, all the while using the promise of this redistribution to incentivise further migration of non-whites. Capitalism and redistribution are symbiotic. Redistribute out of the hands of those inclined to save, and into the hands of an ever increasing population of those inclined to spend. All of these "woke" corporations understand this. They haven't been infiltrated by actual SJWs at the highest level, they simply understand that redistributing from savers to an ever expanding population of (in this case non-white) spenders is in their interest. One person with $200 buys a washing machine. One person with $400 buys a washing machine. Two people with $200 buy two washing machines. The same applies to other household appliances, to cars, to housing, to entertainment, etc. Basically anything you don't physically consume works like this to some degree. It is the same incentive behind family destruction. Where once a husband, wife, children and perhaps even extended family would share these commodities in a non-dysgenic manner, now each must own their own.

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First of all communists redesteebute wealth, and they usualy just put it in thier pocket.
Second, what is wrong in making a profit?
Sincd ancient times commerce has bean the main engine behind human progress and development. Columbus would have never discovered america if it wasnt to spice trade. You dont see the bigger picture. We are sing history being made begore us. In our lifetimes we will have one global market. Even commies like you wished about all of humanity uniting well this is the first step to that.

>What's wrong with profit?
Nothing is wrong with anything in the abstract.
Why should others be forcibly taxed and denied the right to voluntary association in order to ensure the profitability of your otherwise unprofitable enterprises?
I'm basically just a liberal who believes that nationalism + local capitalism, rather than global capitalism, is the logical conclusion of liberal thought, as global anything requires coerced association. Global capitalism is central planning, and thus far closer to communism than anything I seek.

Capitalism is the primary engine of illegal and legal immigration

Capitalism litterally wiped the GOP and conservatism and libitarianism out of existence because rich people didnt want to pay their employees a living wage

Capitalists are flooding America with socialists TODAY so they won't have to pay their employees a living wage, not realizing that when you import SOCIALISTS you get SOCIALISM

In short, its SHORT TERM GREED over long term profits. Think Wall Street.

Soon with enough socialists in America, there will be no conservatives to save the rich from high taxes and they will lose all their money as many of their own industries will be taxed to death or nationalized.

Where will they go? Russia? China? EU, all those nations have no problem taxing rich people and putting the boot on their neck when they get out of line.

Within 5 years taxes will skyrocket as the new demographics have no loyalty nor love the rich like white people. Infact they will hate them since they were the ones getting played slave wages.

Capitalism is no gospel, the free market is a myth, there is no guarantee that there will be enough economic activity thanks to capitalism to employ the entire populace. Unemployment and depressions existed before welfare. Dont give me bullshit about how we dont have real capitalism when we are the most capitalistic nation on planet earth.

Capitalists are too greedy to not kill themselves.

In the end socialism will win because the rich will sell them the rope that hangs them.

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