Fuck women

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>t. incel


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>t. discord tranny



I thought nothing could get lower than asian women but fuck white's are close at it too. Guess best breed is latino.

>2 discord likes have been deposited

Nope, beaners are worse. Remove the flag.

I'd settle for an effeminate trap with a waxed asshole at this point. Women are the most vile creatures on planet earth

Shit like this, is why once my kids are grown and settled, i'm going to foster. Why do people find it so hard just to be basically decent ? That little face all battered, fuck.

based. moms know best, and have the right to discipline their kids when they fall out of line.

daily mgtow threads are shill threads against white women.

asian women are far more traditional and respectful towards you (the husband) and children

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Daily reminder that without women the jewish rat would've never been able to spread their disease into our nations

You have not seen enough footage of filthy gook behaviour to be able to claim that.

Your right to post on this board is hereby revoked.

Disgusting chinklover.

Wrong. They aren't. Some of the worst mothers I've seen are asian.

He'd be right if he only mentioned the Japanese. The others still have yet to evolve above basic insects.

Lol, Asian women are even lower than negresses. At least niggers are apart of the primate family. Slants are insectoid bug people. Have you even seen one of the 100,000 easily preventable traffic accident videos involving slants?

Her face looks like it could need some acid

do you have any other insult than incel? Back to facebook faggirl

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My ex wife was from Japan and it was the worst 10 years in my whole life. At first you think everything is cloud 9 until you prepare for marriage and her parents don't fucking approve of you because you are white even if you do dedicated your time to learn their fucking language. During our marriage she kept procrastinating for us to get a child and kept asking me for money until I told her to fuck off which then escalated in her cheating on me and filing for divorce
I am now divorced and feel freer than ever.

Don't marry just date once they feel settled they become absolutely lunatic and toxic.
I kid you not it's a damn struggle to find someone decent.

Daily reminder that if spoons were licensed and controlled this would never have happened.

new german detected
although in this case I wouldn't stop you.

As long as you stay on your island.

Japan is at least interesting historically.

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Lmao, reminds me of a video where 2 brazilians went to Japan and made out with every little jap girl they found with ease.

Japanese and Korean are literally just as western as the West is, they aren't traditional at all but just as skimpy and promiscuous as western women, with the difference that they can hide it better!

>Crying about responsible parents

Racemixers are worse than niggers.

Attached: What it looks like to throw away seven years of marriage.jpg (1125x2149, 320K)

If she marries outside her race she isn't trad.

Wow your story is similar to mine except I was with a beaner bitch who decided to cheat on me cause she wasn't 'happy', she also assaulted me when I confronted her and I ended up with a knife plunged in my chest.

Women are completely vile, disgusting vitriolic pieces of shit.

Attached: An_Arab_Man_Has_Filed_For_Divorce_After_Discovering_That_His_Wife_Had_Nine_Children_From_An_Extra_Ma (637x1716, 292K)

If I showed my gf this she'd probably cry for like 2 hours. This is just more propaganda to stop you from having white children. Most women are not like this, and you can spot the crazies from a mile away if your iq is above room temperature. Sage goes in all fields.

Throwing acid into a woman's face is the worst punishment that they can receive; they're not dead and have to live with a completely disfigured face for the rest of her life
I just absolutely despise child abusers, especially when they're abusing their own children just to piss of their ex-partner
She's a worthless whore that does not deserve to live

>fuck this particular womyn
fixed that for you, incel.

You know these don't post in good enough quality to read the text, right?

>some asian womyn are far more traditional and respectful towards you (the husband) and children
fixed that for you, brainlet.

Attached: Afghan_fucks_some_Stacys_at_school,_and_kept_his_children_despite_deportation._Braincels_-_2019-03-1 (935x900, 156K)

Newfag phone poster please. Remove the "m" at the end of the filename and it will open in fullscreen. That works for all images.

I expect thanks.

Attached: I_(36m)_have_been_sleeping_with_my_older_brothers_wife_since_I_was_16_confession_-_2019-03-07_18.31. (735x965, 215K)

Phone poster detected
Just remove the 'm' at the end of the image name in the URL

Long as hell, but anons need to read this. Thanks brah

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If that results in a 404 error change the .jpg to a .png

look at those baby plump cheeks, just like my niece's, how can people be so cruel?
fucking degenerate whore, i'd tie you to the back of my car and drive you around town while your head paints the pavement

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Oh fuck off you loser

"He can revenge-bang the daughters.


Based hapa promoter.


My latest favorite selfie disaster

>finds out his daughters aren't biologically related

time to crush some puss

Attached: pulup.png (1022x1146, 494K)

give me attention give me attention give me attention give me attention give me attention give me attention

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>I just absolutely despise child abusers, especially when they're abusing their own children just to piss of their ex-partner
Inshallah, hence why I said I wouldn't stop you.

>>be white woman
>love cats
>eat babies
>>be asian woman
>eat cats
>love babies
i am pro-choice; i choose asian women

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Thot status

Gonna be lots more... The 2020s are going to be the signature decade of the failed female.

Implying that an asian would take your virginity

Keith Flint hanged himself because of a fucking asian whore who took his house and wealth. Kys.

Who doesn't love Jags, also you're a faggot

Maybe you should marry a nice white lady from Luxenbourg instead of thinking another people will just freely accept the fact that you're going to alter their posterity forever. Fucking Europeans are the worst.

the uk needs to be treated like criminal heathen shithole it is an be taken over

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That’s when a grandparent can step in handle the thot so Dad doesn’t have to get his hands dirty.

Not white knighting but this is weak shit. Hit the kid with a spoon? Get fucked. That wouldn't get on the top 100 list of things my mom did to me, let alone what my dad put me through. ----> and now I'm an adult badass who doesn't get rattled by weak shit

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men spend 9 months inside a pussy before they're even born, ergo there is no such thing as a male virgin

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Adultery was punishable by death under the Law of Moses.

Just saying.

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Wouldn't wanna upset some old Jew now, would we?

>nice white lady from Luxenbourg
The luxembourgish people are such a minority. Everyone who claims to be Luxembourgish isn't by blood but only on paper also doesn't help that most of us are related to each other.
It's fucking tough.

>Nice white lady.
Nigger you realize there's no nice anything ladies right? And who the fuck are you to criticize eurofags when our women are equally whorish. Let me guess, you're a roastie or worse, a hu***ite knight, kys
Keep em coming dude

Attached: jews stop free speech on internet.jpg (517x468, 134K)

This happened in Australia, mutt.

Attached: PivotPIVOTPIVOOOT_(u_PivotPIVOTPIVOOOT)_-_Reddit_-_2019-02-25_09.13.31.png (836x402, 60K)

Attached: So_i_just_had_a_conversation_with_my_5'0_sister,_the_results_will_not_shock_you_Braincels_-_201 (1039x145, 18K)

The death penalty is a little too extreme for a civilized society, but someone that breaks familial trust by whoring around should not be entitled to any of that families money or property and custody should be awarded to the person that got cheated on by default, men or woman. Sound fair?

> She stares at the smoke, with a sense of joy. 'We did. We saved England from the evil white man, and his work of evil."
That's what came to my head seeing this picture.

>racemixing faggots
>wonder why life handed them lemons
four White kids, White wife, life couldn’t be any better. Wife is completely subservient, yet still independent. All of you faggots who hate White women are just ugly. Literally the definition of sour grapes. All you need is blue eyes, over 6’, rich, chiseled jaw and work out. Easiest shit ever.

women are a meme, and people here are failing to mention how expensive they are id rather have pets, a jetski more guns and more surfboards than ever get married.

Now imagine being a man surrounded by females and feminized men.
Unable to express yourself anymore because every time you did, you'd get your work destroyed.
Because of such pathetic excuses of lving beings, one can't have nice things.
I want off this plane of existence.

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Even if this is a joke, it is the most pathetic thing i've heard in a long time

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Take the double centaur pill

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She needs to be executed

Time for a new argument. This ones getting stale.

I can't believe I was ever an atheist

Attached: Civilizations Fall When Men Forget God.png (700x700, 73K)

Imagine people had accused you of a crime you didn't do, but being the emotional beings the women are, they believed it without any evidence presented. Out of these conditions, women and some of their feminized men went on to commit an even more severe crime against you. They get away with it. It happened to me and many others too. I will never forgive the enemy.

Gook women are even worse with this shit. Every Korean person I know has had their ass whooped by their mom.

Got a link? God I hate yellow fever fags.

>daughters are not biologically his
>son is biologically his
silver lining

>Literally a cuck.

If this is what you tell yourself to justify being an incel, cool.

Attached: cuck.png (228x26, 2K)

>Yikes Cuck in the ID
top kek

Atheist's BTFO'd

Truly btfoed, now turn the other arsecheek christcuck, that'll show em

eagles fly alone, i've had what i thought were friends before, i disposed of them a year ago but one true best friend, did not regret the decision once, you have to find what fullfills you and only you. Keep YOURSELF accountable for what you want out of life

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And no, I'm about 6'4 not ugly, and thank god I'm not a fucking leaf. Wait until your so called wife reveals the truth about her independence you day dreaming faggot.