
White men, you must choose between create an Eurasian empire, reviving the ancient shamanism-paganism of Eurasia and fulfill the will of Alexander the great. Or to be defeated by the Turks-Jewish-Arab alliance and end up mixed with low-IQ blacks and live in a third World world Zionist-Freemasonic empire.

Attached: 2132424534.png (1920x1500, 3.08M)

Eurasia is already a thing, you know?

Way ahead of you, my wife is Vietnamese.

OP, I'm trying to find an Asian qt3.14 I can make at least 5 hapa babies with.

Attached: 1542178413805.jpg (900x1280, 114K)

My wife is arab and we have two boys and a girl on the way, one has green eyes and blonde hair the other blue eyes and dark brown hair. Mixing with gooks makes mongolians

The destiny of white men if to fertilize an asian women and defeat the semitic expansionism

Why is nonwhite skin always shiny and disgusting? Does the rest of the world not bathe?

>nigger skin is greasy
>spic skin is greasy
>chink skin is greasy
>poo skin is greasy
>abbo skin is greasy

What the fuck man?

The last time white men and asian women mixed, we brought the yamnaya culture who conquered almost all eurasia, a generation of warriors and heroes, they were known as indo europeans

Attached: indo-european_expansion_01.gif (700x500, 227K)

>Why do these women rub oil on their bodies to highlight their bodies in photoshoots
Come one now, stop being disingenuous.

This was plan b