>Israel only for the Jews
Any kike-anons agree with this?
If so, then we have to talk.
Israel only for the Jews
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exactly. there is not a single jew in the entire state of israel. netanyahu is not a jew. he is shooting his own clay feet
>politician say thing
I dunno. Alot of Jews seem to agree to some degree. And now that Christianity is all but dead in the West, that land is not sacred to us, so it's yours to do as you wish. But as they say, walk the walk, talk the talk. I'll support your ethno-nationalism if you support mine. As in, GTFO. Right now media is consumed in a debate about American-Israeli relations. Were Israel to say fuck it, we're on our own and we will do as we please, AND we don't need handouts, I would fully support it. Shalom.
They don't even hide their fake news anymore. I mean it's pretty hilarious for a native hebrew speaker to see this headline when everyone can access Netanyahu's original post in hebrew, saying "מדינת כל אזרחיה", which is a term specific to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, roughly translating to "civic nation state" (as opposed to nation-state) like the U.S and some other European countries but unlike the U.K etc. In the Israeli context the advocates of the term want to turn Israel into a "civic nation state" which means changing the symbols of the state to neutral ones (as opposed to jewish), changing immigration laws such as the Law of return, and basically destroy the entire purpose of the foundation of the country. It has nothing to do with democracy, a country can have an official national identity while giving equal rights to minorities.
Im a Jew and I agree with this. Also stop blaming Jews for western degeneracy.
You stupid faggots chose diversity, not us.
They'll never support yours. Jews need goyim like farmers need cows. Who will do all the work for the Jews if they have no goyim? You can see the issue here.
Jews have, and always will work only for their interest. I dont care about the anomalies of 1 or two jews who don't, im talking the overwhelming majority of them.
That's pretty racist if you ask me. But it's nice he's redpilling the normies