Economy should be a mandatory school subject

At least 50% of modern problems are caused because economic illiterate people have the power to vote and decide on economic matters. By making economy a mandatory subject that u cannot fail if you want to graduate we'll fix a big amount of our society issues.

Spread the word retards.

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don't be silly. economy is not a science. how can you teach something that doesn't exists.

yes let's give the children more bull shit to confuse them.
The only answer is the Trivium and Quadrivium

>implying that worked for supercunt AOC

Economic studies are massively infiltrated by think tanks and interest groups that end up promoting ideological thoughts rather than actual data.
It’s all smokescreens even if you end up with a masters degree, even professors can be largely indoctrinated in some areas.
I would suggest teaching a basic introduction in economics in order to separate evident nonsense and actual policies, but other than that people can still be fooled easily.

Agreed. Funnily enough, Bernie Sanders understands economics better than every other popular American politician right now. They try to paint him as a Stalinist or some other nonsense when all he's doing is looking back to America's more prosperous years and Europe's more prosperous countries to formulate the best policies according to what has already worked. You know why expensive college and private heath care are a bad idea? Because it forces people to save their money. And when they save their money they don't consume. When they don't consume the economy is in trouble.

In the us it is. But kids in general are too stupid to apply the concepts to real life. Add to that socialist teachers and u get a populace who thinks socialism is good.

>Implying people bury their hard earned gold bullions into the ground and don’t keep their savings
The real problem is that expensive college tuition has built up a massive debt that impairs the projected income pattern of the future graduate.
Some students can’t even payback the debt in 10yrs, while living basically on a living wage standard.

this. economy is just a bunch of bullshit written by jews to justify why we shouldn't reclaim their stolen wealth

What is the purpose of schooling?
How can a person spend 12 years and know so little?
Is it on purpose?
Is it coordinated?
Are you eligible to be on the local school board?

I meant that people usually invest their bulk of savings into financial assets.
Savings don’t hurt the economy per se.

Economic science is (and always have been) an ideology. It's pretty pointless to "teach" ideology at schools. Not only it should not be a mandatory subject, similarly ideologically driven fields like Literature and History should be cut significantly.

Not because it's bad to indoctrinate people, but simply because it's entirely useless and a waste of time to do it in this particular way.

Modern economics are pozzed to shit and most people are too stupid to understand a supply-demand graph anyway. Only to become more true as the country gets flooded with 85 IQ immigrants with no future time horizon.

We should be teaching kids the basics of personal finance including the slavery that is debt. But we won't, because our (((system))) runs on ignorance.

Wasting time teaching shiet to retards is THE WORST DECISION YOU CAN POSSIBILITY TAKE EVER!!!!!

the only economics lesson i ever needed was $1000 each month. #yanggang2020

>obama leaf still going

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The real problem is that people are taking tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to study nonsense with no practical use. It's a scam. It's an evil scam considering they're all indoctrinated into the wonders of big government and communism.

The college population in the US could be cut in half with no negative effect to the labor market but an unbelievably massive benefit to the general happiness and well-being of people. I firmly believe that millennials are all commies because they bought into this scam, which is a shame.

Joao over here gets it. We should be listening to based Brazilians because that is our future.

>It's a problem that people make a free consumer choice to use a certain service
>It "should" be cut in half
>Muh fredumb market, fuck yeah, fuck evil commies

Burger reasoning, everyone...

Just call it a discipline you mong if it hurts that much. Economics if full of clever ideas and while it doesn't give you exact answers, you know that everything still happens within it's boundaries.

If you utter the words "Economically illiterate" unironically you are a fucking moron

Economics was mandatory for me during my senior year of high school. It was only one semester tied-in with federal government though so you'd take economics for one half then government for the other

>teaching the goy about how debt slavery works before they are a debt slave

Bold move, Cotton. You'll get deplatformed.

So should engineering and thermodynamics:
>We'll just build more green energy solutions

Fuck your economics, General.

ya learn to be good slave fucking goyim always asking for more
you deserve nothing work and shut the fuck up

>Economy should be a mandatory school subject

user, remember, they teach you what they *want you to believe* not what's real.

Lulz maple syrup. In store prices when?

Seriously when I was in high school I took a class about balancing a checkbook, paying bills, etc. it was the most useful course I've ever taken and I always wondered why this wasn't taught to every student. Then I learned.

>only goldmansachs employees should vote
Whooa genius

>"Choices" driven by scams, deceit, and falsehoods are just part of the sacred free market

Whatever you say Shekelstein

> By making economy a mandatory subject that u cannot fail if you want to graduate we'll fix a big amount of our society issues.
You are a huge sperg if you believe that larger part of school teachers want and know how to teach, and larger part of schoolchildren want to learn anything.
The best you can achieve in masses is memorisation of couple of mantras and memes on subject of no practical value.