Married men of Jow Forums

So, do you and you wife both work? Why?

Or are you the breadwinner of the household? How so?

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I am the breadwinner as I have the stable job, insurance, and all assets are in my name(cars, house, etc...).

My wife works her own business, but I put up the money for her to invest. In a sense, she is still working for the family, just doing double duty.

>married at 19
>she was 18
>learn a trade and put her through nursing school
>she becomes bread winner
>starting business with mastery in trade as well as a gc license to take advantage of all the specialized sub contractors i have met over the last 12 years.
>once established and back in bread winner position will put her back to school for her advance practical nursing license
>second kid soon
>house bought
>2 cars
>2 dogs
>1 acre
>no neighbors
>2700 sf

My wife did not work. I was making enough for both of us. She was unhappy though... She went to college, found a job ...and divorced me. Now she works 12 hours a day to make ends meet and still unhappy.

Married. Wife works. Timing our first kid for late next year when her mother retires, as it is the culture for grandma to take care of the kids during the day while both parents work. We plan on 2, with time before she is 30 for a 3rd if we so choose.

Your health is gonna eat it when 50 rolls around

She does. Once we have kids probably not though. Gotta get that money

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fear of stress is for the timid. what can bring you down that you dont let take hold of you? stoicism is the answer to stress and depression.

I was the breadwinner for 3 years, then my wife took over while I'm finishing up my Masters in Electrical Engineering. I've got 6 months left, then I'm hopping into the first 130k+ job I find and she's quitting work altogether so she can raise our kids.