Are serial killers a thing of the past now because we live in a surveillance state?

Are serial killers a thing of the past now because we live in a surveillance state?

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no, serial killers are allowed to roam the streets unmolested in places chicongo, detroit, border towns, etc.


not even news unless a white guy does it and it happens in a liberal "safe space"

Nope, in fact they were so succesful they rule over us now...

Attached: 6a00d83451af9f69e201b7c8860473970b-500wi.jpg (400x469, 80K)

They are certainly forced to evolve due to modern forensics. I don't think they are a thing of the past, but I think there are fewer of them and the ones there are are smarter and more savvy than previous decades due to necessity. The dumb ones who would have been serial killers in the past just become spree killers these days.

in which case it's a national tragedy


it's not that hard to get away with it if you have the right equipment

The ubiquity of cameras in public has only spelt the end for the mediocre and poor ones. Ones who would have been caught in time without them. CCTV stops them before they become "serial".
Those who have the ability to hide their actions well are as prevalent now as they have always been.