What's life in HUE land really like? Is the majority of the population conservative, how big is SJW shit there?
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>the northeast
What shitshow going on there?
Zika-powered double-digits IQ miserable ultra-mutts breeding like crazy and begging for gibsmedat and out-numbering whites in votes. They consistently vote for communist candidates and love to never have to work just to get 100 bucks at the end of the month to fill their faces with cheap rotten alcohol. Think Russia but with nigger goblins.
People like alcohol, meat, sugar, whores and Jesus. You'll find those anywhere here. You should avoid niggers and policemen in shady neighborhoods. The majority of the population is stupid (including "whites" and politicians). The "best" of us come of a lineage of Portuguese sailors and prime curuminha pussy. Italians, Krauts, Poles and Nips are cool. Christian Arabs as well. Some indigenous are based and some nigger communities too. We have (((them))) too. But the eternal nigger mutt is a post WW2 mistake. Very tragic.
>live innawoods in the south
>rarely see a nigger
Pretty good to be honest
imagine if an ape bred with a jew, that is a brazilian
I say no more
Isn't that the most violent region also? Is there a lot of white's up there?
I need a Hue Hue to tell me about Paul de Silva.
That's like asking an American about some John Smith