You guys realize the people in pic related are shilling yang 2020 because they want This place to be “pro Israel” right.
You guys realize the people in pic related are shilling yang 2020 because they want This place to be “pro Israel” right
Austin Wilson
Leo Collins
Jews control America woah
Hunter Thompson
Why are all right wing intellectuals almost braindead stupid?
Jordan Harris
Jow Forums will never be pro isreal because kikes are disgusting scum
Jonathan Peterson
At least left wing intellectusldmcsn tske a stand agsinst Isrsel But right wingers only suck Jewish and Israeli cock.
Henry Williams
Anyone have that handy chart of homosexual conservatives, e.g. Matt Drudge, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, etc.?
Brayden Kelly
So who should we shill instead?
Joshua Adams
> thinking both sides aren't ZOG controlled.
Jacob Hernandez
You forgot Patrick Little
Jordan Brown
Jow Forums has been pro Trumpenstein for almost three years now. You’re a liar.
Why can’t you spell correctly?