> First time gt, fuck you and your autistic unspoken rules.
>Be me.
> Go out for beers with coworker, salesman.
> Talk about work, pussy, life.
> Mildly drunken politics comes up, JQ et al stumbled into
> From comments and responses, unironically can't shake vibe that dude is agent of some kind.
> inb4 paranoid, scabby kneed faggot...
> I'm sitting here typing this shit to you pussless, incel losers
> I cannot shake the feeling that I was having a convo with some american, crypto zio.
> wat do?
Ok Faggots, help
>going out with a co-worker for beers
Lol. You're right fucked mate.
>Oh noes I talked about jews now I'm afraid I'll be locked up.
Grow a pair faggot
First post, I have goddamn heebie jeebies. Many of his responses were out of the playbook you self loathing masturbators taught me to be wary of.
congrats you are now being gang stalked
at least you are now aware of it
I did the old "do you now or have you ever worked for an intelligence agency" bit. I don't think he met my eyes one time while denying.
I'll report back. Personal experience or theoretical?
personal, once you notice, it's impossible to not notice
the fuck is this garbage?
Thank you user. Obviously it violates all reason and logic, but this motherfucker employed JIDF rhetoric, which I called him out on. His only retort would have been that I've lost my goddamn mind. That is the one thing he assiduously did not do.