Help me know why he couldn't stay in Germany. What would the world look like today if he didn't fuck up WWII. What was the point of it all?
Why was Hitler so expansionistic
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Read Mein Kampf, nigger.
Lebensraum was a necessity; Germany isn't the most resource rich place around.
We would have lynched him if he came to power today.
How does that make fucking sense if he garnered enough power to win
Russia had already fallen to the communists and they were trying to take Germany too.
Hitler tried to stop them and failed and that's where East Germany came from.
Honestly this would make a great movie, Hitler with predator drones bravely warding off an entire generation of numales from the capital, simultaneously cancelling out his causualties' debt burden
Imagine Mexico and Canada being Russia and Iran. In an alliance, watching as the US grows up in population and economic size.
Germany was acting defensive, though from the outside it didn't look that way. Modern Europe is an agreement that no one's going to divide Germany.
>he couldn't stay in Germany
Jews amassing their death squads to the east and within Germany, the rest of Europe being useless, complacent or responsible for this.
Could natsoc be implemented today in America, even if we theoretically could expel the non-whites? Are we amerimuts cohesive enough as a white people?