FINALLY it's open season on MIGApedes

>FINALLY it's open season on MIGApedes

I've been waiting for this moment for years. You boomers have turned this board to shit and we're taking it back.

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Trump is going to win

Nobody is going to support your faggot chink. Get the fuck off the board.

>mailbombs superdelegates

fuck migapedes, if they didn't want us to support yang then they should have engaged us in honest discussion about how to deal with trump backpedaling or going 180 on his campaign promises. instead you niggers just screamed "discord tranny!" without bringing any sort of logical counterargument that wasn't scripted up by a boomer alit-liter

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Many already do

>"why is Trump blatantly stabbing us in the back? fuck this"

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this isn't your board redditnigger. i don't even know why you people come here when you hate us.

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