Scientifically speaking, if we cannot create life, and we don't know where it originated, it is just as plausible as any other theory that the universe was created by a God OR it just started because the conditions were right; the odds of which are both astronomical. It is necessary to live life as if it were God-given than it would the opposite, otherwise, you have a 100% chance of offending the god. Unless he's a forgiving god, but I can't be sure on that, wishful thinking?
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Don’t understand what your asking?
All theories are just that: theories. A theory can never be truth. At best an approximation. At worst a delusion. What difference does it make who or what caused the universe? You have been there from the beginning, so if you don't know then the question is pointless.
Mostly just seeing if this logic holds water. Ultimately, is pascals wager a valid philosophy on the subject?
>we cannot create life
we can, though not from absolute nothing. Sex is literally life-creation.
God knows everyone has fallen short of the standard.
The angels have no salvation for their sins.
Man has, if he will surrender his pride, admit his sin and accept the finished work of Jesus.
You should check out Learn the Bible in 24 Hours on YouTube.
Valid concept, but the only way to win is to actually believe and TRUST God.
It's childish. An intellectual divertissement. You are here. Which means you have either been here from the beginning (you are therefore God himself or at least a part of 'God'), or you arrived afterwards (and therefore must one day go again), which means your question asking about God is irrelevant. So which is it? No one is going to tell you. Either you know or you don't.
God gave you autism.
I’m by no means educated on “Pascal’s wager.” I just looked it up... I know this, I know most of my conscious decisions I make, are either “good,” or “bad.” Some may say it is just ones opinion, or there are universal truths. I think a lot of ppl get caught up in what happens over death. I think that is a waste of energy in time. I focus on what I feel is the right thing in the moment. If I decide to do what I know is wrong, then it seems my surroundings are affected by it, same with what is right. Jesus preached love and forgiveness, and hardly talked about the afterlife... I think we are eternal souls in a, “simulation.” I don’t think fear of an afterlife is a good way to look at things. I might sound a lil rambling, but yeah iono.