This is basically /pol except you guys don’t believe the second tweet

Why not accept the second tweet?

I’m a brown Indian American and I basically am completely in line with this picture. Why can’t you be reasonable and believe in these propositions?

a) everyone should be treated individually regardless of race. If someone’s shitty, they’re shitty. If someone’s awesome, they’re awesome. Success should be neasured by level of accomplishment, not by race or gender.

b) whites are still privileged on average. Privileged in getting more job callbacks with a white sounding name almost anywhere in the world, privileged for getting lower sentences for the same crime, privileged in dating, etc.

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I just realized I disagree with the tweet.


However, race wise, I do think whites are privileged.

Most people here have the same opinion as you.

fuck off mutt

Also, I should add that in some cases, minorities are privileged, but this is almost EXCLUSIVE to blacks and Latinos.

I, an Indian American, do not get any privileges that blacks may like in movie representation, school admissions, jobs, etc.

It depends, are you actually in favor of that privilege for your people? Or you don’t see anything good about it, and prefer to level the field at all cost?

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Whites and non-whites are disadvantaged differently.
Just because whites don't have the same disadvantages as you doesn't mean they aren't held back in other ways.

>whites are still privileged on average. Privileged in getting more job callbacks with a white sounding name almost anywhere in the world
Amazing that blacks know this and complain about it non-stop, but still name their kids Shontavious and Jaquanda instead of normal people names. It’s almost as if they’re literally retarded and would not be good hires

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>b) whites are still privileged on average. Privileged in getting more job callbacks with a white sounding name almost anywhere in the world, privileged for getting lower sentences for the same crime, privileged in dating, etc.

>Privileged in getting more job callbacks with a white sounding name almost anywhere in the world
Can't speak for this as I've not tried to get a job in most countries of the world.

>privileged for getting lower sentences for the same crime
False. While on paper it may be the "same crime", the difference is being in front of the judge for the first time for that crime vs it being the tenth.

>privileged in dating
Can't help being beautiful.

A 7/10 white man will have more dating opportunities than an 8-9/10 non white man in the West, and a 10/10 non white man in Asia and other countries.