Hey Jow Forums, with all the shills I've forgotten what we actually believe. What do we actually believe again?
Hey Jow Forums, with all the shills I've forgotten what we actually believe. What do we actually believe again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck Jews.
>what does the hivemind dictate today?
>affirm my opinions via the group collective REEEEEEE
think for yourself faggot
literal npc tier
>implying this thread wont be flooded by shills
>implying this thread isnt being used to gather data by shills
weak b8
In the power of collective faggotry for being the optimal tool for subliminal ethical messaging(?)
The only philosophy that matters
we believe in $1000
I believe in anime tits.
welcome newfaggot
socialism is bad
>each man should care for himself
charity is the only acceptable welfare
>ie voluntary
nationalism is good
>have pride in your nation and what you forefathers built
conservative values are good
>do not succumb to degeneracy
politival correctness is bad
>your feelings aren't a right
enforced quotas are bad
>meritocracy is only acceptable measure
everything else is up for debate