Jow Forums cars

What do you drive, Jow Forums? What is /ourcar/?
Pic related is a literal VW Jow Forumso/

Attached: 1200px-2018_Volkswagen_Polo_SE_1.0_Front.jpg (1199x633, 213K)

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low insurance and maintenance high mpg masterrace
a little slow though

Attached: Mash-roadstar-50.jpg (768x1024, 217K)

do they even sell the Polo in usa?

i drive my house around, a honda Jow Forums

Attached: D2415702-EA1D-42AA-A2E2-02B9CAA23FC7.jpg (474x315, 26K)

Nice weed eater engine

No. Engine displacement is too low. Most burgers around me drive luxobarges

Attached: New-2019-Chevrolet-Blazer-SUV-live.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

Ram sport, cars feel like you're sitting on the street rolling around.

>Engine displacement too low
The polo gti exists

Attached: rebelford_t.jpg (300x150, 68K)

F250 diesel