/SSG/ Semitoskepticism General

Today marks a glorious occasion: freedom from accusations of antisemitism. Any time someone accuses you or someone you know of being antisemitic, the unapologetic response must be:
>>I'm not antisemitic, I'm a semitoskeptic.

antisemitism and countersemitism as terms reinforce their persecution complex and at the end of the day strengthens their narrative that they are marginalized.
Semitoskeptic is a neutral designator that appeals to the reasoned white person to perhaps justify additional scrutiny of a statistically overrepresented group in areas of extreme importance to all our lives.

Get it out there lads

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Its always with malicious intentions that semites, specially the jews, confund "holocaust denial" with the holocaust refuser.
We simply refuse the theory of the holocaust that has no basis and actual proof that confirms the theory. All the "proofs" were already debunked. So we refuse this already debunked theory of the holocausy

We cannot accept theories that have no substance in the real world. We must refuse what defies science if we eant to be honest with ourselves

I like the concept, but the label itself doesn’t roll of one’s tongue that well. Anti-semitism and counter-semitism have a better ring to them than what you came up does. Ultimately, it’s a good idea but needs some branding work done.

I think Semitoskepticism as a meme is a bridge to making these kinds of arguments logically and without the shut it down bias of the current narrative. spread it!

Semitoskepticism is a more accurate definition when the semites, specially the jews, use in their fallacious context.

I disagree
it's a word formation process in wide use. it also inverts the morphology and softens the phonetic sharpness of 'antisemite'. it's a much more neutral and academic sounding word.


genius. BOMP

you're antisemetic

Yeah, the thing that makes euroskeptic roll off the tongue better than semitoskeptic is that there’s less syllables. Also, the two words that are combined to form euroskeptic are more easily identifiable than semitoskeptic. I reckon even judeoskeptic looks more easily identifiable. I’m giving my perspective from a standpoint of branding, which is something I’ve worked with professionally for a decade.

Also, in the case of being critical of Israel we need to start separating them from the rest of the kikes. Such as with a term like Zionocritical.


too bad Ashkenazacritical is such a clunky phrase. How about kikeacritical?

Pre-balfourian conservative

Puting the prefix "judeo", imo, its a bad angle

"You couldn't be less correct user. Antisemitic means I'm literally for the destruction of the Jewish people and of Israel. I'm a semitoskeptic, which means I think it's ok to be skeptical of a group of whites that are claiming to be marginalized despite being massively overrepresented by population in government, the boards of fortune 500 companies, and central banking and finance".


I'm a kikeoquisitor

Keep your antisemitism and antijudaism to yourself mozhe.

Nyet, semitoskeptic is fine

>group of whites

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Yeah well you're anti-American so I guess we're even, huh

Our problem is with the Ashkenazim, not the falasha or mizrahi. This is why calling us anti-semitic is not quite correct.

>yoav dishes out pilpul but can't take it from the goyim

Fuck you im antisemitic.
The more we all learn the more obvious the true problem is.

normies need a bridge to cross to get there. this is it.

Yeah but the true problem is the ultra rich Ashkenazim, not pleb tier kikes most of the time, though they are pretty anti-white. The Ashkenazim aren't even Semites, they're from the region north of the Black Sea. They are the people formerly known as the People of the Snake. They converted to Judaism like 1500 years ago. If we become more specific with our grievances they can't really say we hate all kikes, even though they will anyway.

>Skeptic = thoughtful (Skepsis = thought).
>Doesn't correlate with anti-(against).
Use our syllables & words rightly.

Fuck off namefaggot no one listens to you faggot namefaggots. I don't even like generals, I'm just bumping because I like to see anons coming up with OC in any form. You newfags should lurk moar.

I mean, it's like saying your way of thought is semitic rather than anti-Semitic.

Isn't it time for prayer down there?
Summer is coming - I see.

This is a great idea.

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im not , i dont care about america
OP was talking about the jewish people , not any subdivision of our people.